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乌云予示著暴风雨的来临。Dark clouds betoken a storm.

那些乌云预示有雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

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那些乌云预示即将下雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

他的微笑表示他满意了。His smile betoken his satisfaction.

那些黑云预示著暴风雨即将来临。Those black clouds betoken a storm.

他送她一件礼物表示感谢。He gave her a gift to betoken his gratitude.

愿主耶稣赐福于每个人!Be ready to betoken the Jesus blessing in everyone!

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苏联在进军太空时所取得的成就并没有预示什么经济威胁。The Soviet Union's space-faring triumph did not betoken much of an economic threat.

两者均用来回应讯息告知,并且反映谈话者认知状态的改变。Both are produced in response to an informing and betoken a change of cognitive state.

巴格拉季翁公爵颔颔首,心里表示,这全部事态和他预料的情况完全一样。Prince Bagration nodded his head to betoken that all this was exactly what he had desired and expected.

其他注定要死的人也在集中营里,但他们的存在并不能预示这是一个有计划的灭种和屠杀运动。Others destined for death were also in the camps, but their presence did not betoken a program of genocide.

不公平又能怎样?难道在七年漫长的岁月中,在红字曲折磨下备受痛苦,还悟不出一些忏悔之意吗?。What did it betoken?Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no repentance ?

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另一群猎犬和头三只猎犬走在一起,于是听见猎犬时高时低地吠叫,其中夹杂着别的猎犬的特殊的呼应声,这一声声呼应就可作为追捕豺狼的吠声的标志。The pack joined the first three dogs, and the voices of the hounds could be heard in full cry with the peculiar note which serves to betoken that they are after a wolf.