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毕夫你到哪里去?。Biff ! Where are you going now ?

汤姆肚子上挨了一下,因为他惹了祸。Tom got a biff in the gut for his trouble.

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我跟比夫还在树上安了个秋千。When I and Biff hung the swing between them?

大个子德里克和比夫正在教室外面等着我。Big Derek and Biff were waiting outside my classroom.

毕夫你忘了一件事那是什么东西?。Biff , you ' re forgetting one thing . What the hell is that ?

毕夫现在变成了擦车工,对乔治毕恭毕敬。Biff has become an auto-detailer, and is now very deferential toward George.

毕夫威胁乔治,但乔治给了他迎面一拳,将他击昏在地。Biff subjugates George, but George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out.

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三人乘坐着那辆会飞的德罗宁时光机出发,这一幕意外地被他们的老对头毕夫•泰南看个正着。They depart in the flying DeLorean time machine as Biff Tannen accidentally witnesses the departure.

马蒂·麦佛莱踩滑板逃跑,急中生智,利用肥料车对毕夫·谭能一行人连消带打。Marty McFly escapes using skateboard and play tricks to Biff Tannen and his gang using truck with muck.

追杀任盈盈的三人仗剑而来,令狐冲强打精神,凭借“独孤九剑”赶跑了杀手。After three people as ying ying battle sword, linghu chong biff spirit, with nine dugu sword away the killer.

就在马蒂和博士赶去找回年轻的詹妮弗的时候,老毕夫偷走了时光机,还到过去的时空走了一趟,然后神不知鬼不觉地回到了2015年。While as Marty and Doc run to retrieve the younger Jennifer, Old Biff steals the DeLorean, travels back in time, and returns.

这五年以来,北京独立电影展作为一个持续支持中国导演的新一代的平台。For five years, BIFF has provided a unique venue, and a community outlet for those pioneering China's most recent generation of filmmaking.

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但其实,有很多原因会导致他的迟到,也许他的车抛锚了,也许帮他照顾孩子的保姆没上班,有或者是天气缘故。There are many possible reasons why Biff was late, perhaps his car broke down, his babysitter did not show up, or there has been bad weather.

他的家庭阴郁乏味,父亲乔治经常被上司毕夫•泰南欺侮,母亲洛莲邋遢臃肿、嗜酒如命。His father, George, is constantly bullied by his supervisor Biff Tannen, and his slobbish overweight mother, Lorraine, has a drinking problem.

要在视频网站决赛中使出厉害的招数给竞争对手致命一击,那就必须有奥运视频资源。Want to give a competitor deadly biff in the way with the fierce exert in video website final, that must have resource of Olympic Games video.

武馆馆主不知哪来的力量,使出浑身力量挣脱电力的吸允,再次强打精神,与雷子枫又交上了手。The martial arts crowned and dont know where to strength, use all power from the power sips, again biff spirit, and LeiZiFeng and hand in hand.

我雇请了比德里克个子大得多的比夫去教训他,可是当比夫昨天来学校的时候,我发现比夫和大个子德里克是表兄弟。I hired Biff who was much larger than Derek to teach Derek a lesson. But when Biff came to school yesterday, I discovered Biff and Big Derek were cousins.

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马蒂调查出博士是被毕夫•泰南的祖先——绰号“疯狗”的布福德•泰南杀害的,于是他决定回到1885年去救出博士,再一起回到未来。Learning Doc was killed by Biff Tannen's ancestor, Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen, Marty decides to go back to 1885 to save Doc and bring him back to the future.

现在在城市广场,著名的悬臂空间由一系列重叠区域组成,被称为城市的山谷,红地毯区,星光大道和的BIFF运河步行公园。The now famous cantilever hovers over an urban plaza consisting of overlapping zones called the Urban Valley, the Red Carpet Zone, the Walk of Fame and the BIFF Canal Park.

金柏莉说楼下有一只从美国宾夕法尼亚州运过来委托她负责为其配种的母狗,比夫可以味道她的气味并有点不高兴。Kim said that there was a bitch downstairs who had been sent from Pennsylvania to be bred to one of Kim's other clients, and that Biff could smell her and was a little out of sorts.