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所有的帽子都可以让男人的脸看起来很小巧。All hats make a man look more dapper.

这里图示了一些网络应用像Dapper和Teqlo的作用。Here is an illustration of the net effect of apps like Dapper and Teqlo

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就仪表而言,普劳迪博士是一位仪表堂堂的人,潇洒,漂亮,十分。In person Dr. Proudie is a good-looking man, spruce and dapper and very tidy.

费福昂的父亲,一位86岁,衣冠楚楚的老人,每晚仍会出现在餐厅最显眼的地方。Vifian's father, a dapper 86-year-old, is still very much in evidence every night.

这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and slightly quirky accessory for your home!

所有这些工具的数据来源都可以在数据网站上得到,如Dapper和Kapow。And the tools to tap and manipulate all this data can be found at sites like Dapper and Kapow.

格林斯基说,两名男子走近他,其中一位是衣衫不整的波兰军官,另一位是衣冠楚楚的英国人。Glinski says two men approached him, one a bedraggled Polish officer, the other a dapper Englishman.

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这片广场由圣三一教堂慈善管辖,面对着北面小巧玲珑的老房子。It is benevolently presided over by Holy Trinity Church and faced by dapper old houses on the north.

该装饰盒小巧玲珑,珍藏物品时有较好的直观效果。The decorative case is dapper. The decorative case has perfect visual effects on treasuring articles.

他的翻译是一个留着小胡子的小个子男人,穿着一套小巧的西服,他的手机一直不停地在响。His translator was an odd little man with a moustache and a dapper suit, whose cell phone kept ringing.

他那个部门的一把手叫杰伊,是个整洁英俊的男人,很爱他的妻子莫拉。The head of his department was a man named Jay, who was very dapper and good-looking and devoted to his wife, Moura.

二儿子罗密欧今年11岁,穿着帅气的夹克衫和15岁的哥哥布鲁克林一起,布鲁克林看上去像极了年轻时的贝克汉姆,十分帅气。Young Romeo, 11, looked dapper in a smart jacket while Brooklyn, 15, looked like a smart, mini-me of his father David.

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岁上下的先生从丽莎手中接过了箱子,当他感受到箱子的分量时,脸上抽搐了一下。As we descend from the train, a dapper man of about sixty takes Lisa's case from her, wincing when he feels the weight of it.

已经57岁的影视演员濮存昕看起来仍是那么的年青儒雅,近日,他流露了自己颐养的秘诀,模拟狗的姿态用四肢匍匐。Actor Pu Cunxin has revealed that the secret to looking young and dapper at the ripe old age of 57 is walking like a dog on all fours.

已经57岁的影视演员濮存昕看起来还是那么的年轻儒雅,近日,他透露了自己保养的秘诀,模仿狗的姿势用四肢爬行。Actor Pu Cunxin has revealed that the secret to looking young and dapper at the ripe old age of 57 is walking like a dog on all fours.

一位BBC记者指出,这位曾经被神话为典型恐怖主义者的人,现在只是一个身材矮胖,衣冠楚楚的中年男子。A BBC correspondent says the man, once mythologized as the quintessential terrorist, is now a rather chubby, dapper man in late middle age.

他过去那个雌雄同体魔力的衣柜已经被抛弃。但是他还是穿了一件精神的黑外套和一双昂贵的皮手套。The androgynous glamour of his former wardrobe has been discarded, but he still sports a dapper black jacket and a pair of expensive leather gloves.

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与我父亲是一个非常时髦的人,他总是穿着这件西装,他的头发是完美的梳理。And my father was a very dapper man, he always dressed in double-breasted suit, his hair was perfectly combed. He always had a kerchief in his jacket.

我非常喜欢的一门课是“政治和公民权利”,讲课的是汤姆,艾默生教授,他是一个衣着整齐的小个子,曾经在富兰克林·D.罗斯福政府中任职,我们上课用的教材就是他本人撰写的。I really enjoyed Political and Civil Rights, taught by Tom Emerson, a dapper little man who had been in FDRs administration and whose textbook we used.

没有敲门声门就开了,查普利衣冠楚楚的年轻助理贾森·里德利陪同FBI特工弗兰克·汉斯莱走进会议室。The door had opened without a knock. Jason Ridley, Chappelle's young, dapper assistant, escorted FBI Special Agent Frank Hensley into the conference room.