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他会骂我的。He would scold me.

别老是熊人。Don't scold too much.

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见小蛋被骂得哭了起来。See little egg be scold crying.

谁说你没有骂中国?Who said you didn't scold China?

弟弟被白玛丽骂哭了。Brother scold by white Mary cried.

我不批评你,小弗朗茨。I shall not scold you, little Franz.

另外,车子里的人会骂我们。Besides, the people in cars scold you.

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我的小法兰兹,我不会责骂你。I will not scold you, my little Frantz.

亏他们打骂得下去!Kui they hammer and scold afterward go!

又或,他是否忿然痛斥百姓一顿?Did he turn on the people and scold them?

我不许你责怪你自己。I forbid you to reprove and scold yourself.

林午阳知晓了彪子的心思,责骂彪子了。Lin Wu Yang knows puma son mind, scold puma.

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问题2。彼得为什么责备行邪术的西门?。Q. 2 Why did Peter scold Simon the sorcerer?

他父亲今晨狠狠训了他一顿。His father gave him a bad scold this morning.

妻子不絮烦,丈夫乐无边。Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not.

杨友琦他们骂我,就在网上骂我了!Yang Youqi they scold me, on-line scolded me!

亏得唐糖及时回来骂走了金晶。Back in time scold go jin jing kui tang sugar.

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如果你骂她,她说你虐待她。If you SCOLD her, she says you are abusing her.

不气你,不骂你,相信你。Never offend you , never scold you, believe you.

没有钱,人家骂你是窝囊废。No money, the somebody else scold you are wimps.