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排水口和排水管的材料为钢质。The scupper and outlet pipes are made of steel.

你打开所有的阀,堵上甲板排水管了吗?Have you opened all the valves and plug the deck scupper pipe?

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停住!把绳拴在港口上,用排水管排掉甲板和船尾的水!Avast! Belay the port jib, and scupper the mains'l on the poop deck!

它激怒了俄罗斯,导致发出威胁要中止裁军谈判。It enraged Russia, leading it to threaten to scupper disarmament talks.

不过他承认安全困难可能使计划受挫。He admits, however, that insurance difficulties might scupper that idea.

排水管的末端用管支架固定。地板应向排水口倾斜以防积水。The outlet pipe's ends fixed by duct. The floor slopes towards the scupper.

上涨的船运成本有没有影响中国繁荣的出口贸易呢?What about at sea? Could rising shipping costs scupper China’s export boom?

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这些都是振奋人心的消息,然而一些人担心,如果股票市场稍有下跌,这些计划将付之东流。Encouraging stuff, though some fret that any hiccup in equity markets could scupper these plans.

在成为富勒姆主教练之后,马克·休斯打算介入托特纳姆热刺引进贝拉米的转会。Mark Hughes will attempt to scupper Tottenham Hotspur's move for Craig Bellamy after he was confirmed as Fulham's new manger.

而堕胎问题也有可能带来麻烦,因为参议院的版本并不能使众议院的保守派民主党感到满意。Abortion could also scupper things, as the Senate bill’s provisions on the matter do not please some conservative House Democrats.

利用水力水文计算基本原理,研究了竖曲线内桥面泄水孔间距。This paper studied the design of scupper spacing of deck in vertical curve with the basic principle of hydraulic and hydrologic compute.

在协议中埃弗顿保留了买断德伦特的选项,但利物浦据说对这桩协议搞点破坏——!Everton retain an option to buy Drenthe at the end of his temporary agreement, but Liverpool may reportedly move to scupper any proposed deal.

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夏天热刺也想签下亨特拉尔,如果伤病破坏这笔皇马范尼斯特鲁伊的转会,他们可能也会报价。Spurs tried to sign Huntelaar in the summer and may revive a deal if injury concerns scupper a move for Real Madrid striker Ruud van Nistelrooy.

作为一个快速增长的世界金融中心城市,上海一直是本地政府官员以及居民的骄傲,然后空气污染问题可能会破坏上海政府官员以及居民的美好希望。The problem could threaten to scupper the hopes of city officials and residents who proudly see their city as a fast-growing global financial center.

因此研究泄水孔流道有无钢衬以及不同钢衬厚度对孔口应力的影响很有必要。Therefore, the study of scupper flow channel whether steel liner as well as different steel liner thickness on the impact of orifice stress is necessary.

一名布鲁塞尔的反垄断律师,因为害怕失去微软的一个潜在客户,不愿意透露姓名,但是他说这个来自意大利的投诉很可能会让并购案搁浅。A Brussels antitrust lawyer, who did not want to be identified for fear of alienating a potential client in Microsoft, said the Italian complaint could scupper the deal.

根据张峰水库左岸塌滑体的工程地质条件等,给出了塌滑体排水洞的具体设计方案。Based on the engineering geological conditions of the slip-mass on the left bank of Zhangfeng Reservoir, this paper puts forward the concrete design plan for the slip-mass scupper.

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通过分析一般情况下公路隧道洞口塌方滑坡的原因,提出了解决隧道塌滑体贯通方案及施工工艺流程。Based on the engineering geological conditions of the slip-mass on the left bank of Zhangfeng Reservoir, this paper puts forward the concrete design plan for the slip-mass scupper.

而为了辟谣,佩林昨天宣布,她17岁未婚先孕的女儿Bristol,并不象有些人猜测的那样是孩子真正的母亲--因为Bristol现在刚刚有5个月的身孕。Yet, to scupper this rumour, Palin yesterday announced that, actually, Bristol, her 17-year-old and unmarried daughter who some suggested was Trig's mother, is five months pregnant.

土耳其发言人称总统阿萨德希望摧毁联合国协调者拉赫达尔·卜拉希米领导下试图通过协商结束冲突的国际努力。A spokesman in Turkey Halid Hoca said President Assad wanted to scupper international efforts led by the United Nations mediator Lakhdar Brahimi towards a negotiated end to the conflict.