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MMO游戏非常流行。MMO gaming is hugely popular.

这些书都大受好评。These books were hugely popular.

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韦斯利为此兴奋异常。Mr Wesley is hugely excited by them.

筵席之后王子猛打嗝。After the feast the prince belched hugely.

所以不会比小测验长多少。So it won't be hugely longer than the quizzes.

例如,工作团队士气十分低落。For example, they are hugely demoralizing for teams.

这些都是我们社会中极为重要的机构These are hugely important institutions in our society.

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非常地有前景,但它的续集们却与之差距很大。Hugely promising, but its sequels have fallen far short.

如此一来,大家要付出的代价相当沈重,尤其是南韩。That would be hugely costly, especially for South Korea.

哈尔滨红肠在中国是一种很受欢迎的冷切菜。Harbin red sausage is a hugely popular cold cut in China.

很多,也许是所有的网络股都被大大高估了。Many, perhaps all, Internet stocks are hugely overvalued.

这一会议谈判对原油峰值的争论至关重要。These negotiations matter hugely for the peak-oil debate.

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关于气候变化的协商对石油峰值讨论至关重要。These negotiations matter hugely for the peak-oil debate.

这是个非常明显的他固有的老套说辞。Well, this is hugely stereotypical, hugely appropriative.

“娇韵诗”和“欧莱雅”是两家全球最大的个人护理品牌。are two hugely popular personal care brands around the world.

自比顿夫人时代之后,餐桌上的礼仪要求就大大放宽了。Mealtime etiquette has relaxed hugely since Mrs Beeton's time.

法国左后卫克里希对这个比利时人印象极其深刻。French left-back Clichy has been hugely impressed by the Belgian.

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不过我们为开发较落后的国家所做的,则更令人激赏了。What we have done in less developed countries is hugely exciting.

你得有个清醒头脑,并且谨慎判断,而不要那么固执己见。You have got to be conscious and cautious but not hugely dogmatic.

“禁止网络盗版法案”的斗争在两股非常具有创造性的势力之间展开。The battle over SOPA is a fight between two hugely creative forces.