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宝贝是一种亲密的称呼。Baby is a term of endearment.

这愉悦融化了她的心。The endearment melted her heart.

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亲爱的'是亲昵语。Darling' is a term of endearment.

亲爱的裧'是亲昵语。Darling g' is a term of endearment.

事实上,通常这个词有着正面的含义,经常是作为一种爱称。In fact, it frequently has a positive meaning, and it's often a term of endearment.

无邪又纵欲,纯真又弥贵,清丽并让人无比钟爱。No evil and sex, pure, beautiful and expensive and micah lets a person clinking endearment.

我之所以钟爱“万事通”这种说法,是因为今天公布的阵容非比寻常。I use the term know-it-all with endearment because the selections, revealed today, are good.

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还有一些电子邮件称彭日成为“大哥”,在汉语中这表示尊重和亲热。Other emails referred to Mr. Pang as 'big brother, ' a Chinese term of respect and endearment.

在热恋的时候,男孩子献媚给他心爱的女孩子多少是一种喜爱对方的表现。The boy 'scourtesyto his loving girl is something of an endearment in the sceneofhotloveaffairs.

同时铸铁作为新材料也吸引了越来越多的设计师的钟爱。At the same time cast-iron the endearment that also attracted more and more stylist as new material.

干脆点,告诉我“是”还是“否”,提供帮助或给我指路,不需要亲切的称呼或是表示喜爱的词汇。Just tell me yes or no or provide help or point me to the right direction —no niceties or terms of endearment necessary.

干脆点,告诉我“是”还是“否”,提供帮助或给我指路,不需要亲切的称呼或是表示喜爱的词汇。Just tell me yes or no or provide help or point me to the right direction--no niceties or terms of endearment necessary.

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总之,新古典主义风格逐渐被消费者所接受,也正受到越来越多的人的钟爱。Anyhow, neoclassicism style is accepted by consumer place gradually, also getting the endearment of more and more people.

是一种表示主观情感的爱称,形容一个人的个性特点与其外貌特征完全相反。A term of affection and endearment describing a man whose personality traits reflect the opposite of his overall broad physique.

现代社会,陶瓷餐具仍然是人们在众多材质的餐具中依然钟爱的选择。The modern society, the porcelain and ceramics cutlery is still the endearment choice of people in numerous cutleries of materials.

第三章从蒙古语固有词和外来语两个方面简要介绍了科尔沁土语用于和幼儿交流的昵语的来源情况。Chapter Three is a brief introduction to the origins of the words of endearment which are used in conversation with children in Khorchin local dialect.

故土情深,云锦杜鹃对华顶的这份钟爱,这份执著,隐隐的,似乎还有当年花神仙子依依惜别的泪痕。Deeply rooted at the native land, Yunjin cuckoo cherished endearment to Huading, Tear strains from the flower fairy could be vaguely seen from its persistence.

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显然,如果孩子送给老师的礼物是亲手制作的,或是众所周知的⒛“送老师苹果”就不同了,这会被理解为对老师敬爱的表现。Obviously, , if a child bestows a gift that they have made or the proverbial 'apple for teacher'then that is different, that can be considered an act of endearment.

但是他以前常常听说做爸爸的会给孩子一个“昵称”或者其他什么的,而且他觉得除了“小战士”,没什么称号更适合这个小宝贝了。But he had often heard of fathers bequeathing their offspring with "pet names" of some kind or another, and he could think of no endearment better suited to this infant.

据店内伙计介绍,在该店众多卤味中,鸭舌头是最受欢迎的,尤其受到演艺明星的格外钟爱。According to in-store dude introduces, at the store, duck in numerous pot-stewed fowl tongue is the most popular, especially among entertainers guardianship of endearment.