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什么是物流园区?。What is the "Logistics Zone"mean?

上海虹辉物流有限公司?。Shanghai Honghui Logistics Co. , Ltd.

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总的来说,其发生在后勤物资的护运任务中。Generally, it is happening in logistics.

物流是独特的,它从不干休。Logistics is unique, and it never stops!

雨轩物流公司将与时俱进。Yuxuan logistics company with the times.

后勤是军事科学的一个分支。Logistics is a branch of military science.

对西部基本物流量进行了预测。Forecast the west basic logistics quantity.

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我愿把物流作为我的终生事业。I wish to make logistics my lifetime career.

公司物流政策本钱的设定。Logistics company policy setting of capital.

只要物质不灭,物流就普遍存在。If matter exists, logistics exists everywhere.

信息是物流胜利的关键。Informat is a kei to the success of logistics.

一家物流公司的职员——也从未去过俄罗斯。Logistics company staff. Never been to Russia.

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业务由勤学为径,工作有安全做舟。Business logistics for size, safety work to do.

控制物流就可以控制市场。Youcan control market if you control logistics.

信息是物流成功的要害。Information is akey to the success of logistics.

量大从优,免物流费。A large quantity Congyou, free of logistics cost.

电子商务结算为一体的现代化物流企业。E-billing as one of modern logistics enterprises.

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一路路通物流网,您的物流顾问。E66t logistics network is your logistics counselor.

可以说,这是港口物流园区发展的方向。It is the development trend of port logistics park.

包装和分拣是物流中的两项活动。Packing and sorting are two activities in logistics.