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在圣城库姆,在颈部佩戴装饰性的布条不管何种形式都是非法的。The decorative strips of neck-fabric are outlawed in the holy city of Qom.

它是库姆河复苏后出现的新河,历史不足10年。It is the recovery of the Qom River after the river, less than 10 years of history.

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琼斯表示,伊朗同意开放Qom核设施检查,是相当明显的一步.Jones said it was significant that Iran had agreed to inspections of the new uranium enrichment site near Qom.

六个星期以前,在她在访问完库姆城的法蒂玛圣殿后就做出了加入伊斯兰教的决定。She decided to become a Muslim six weeks ago after visiting the shrine of Fatima al-Masumeh in the city of Qom.

上个月伊朗警方向什叶派圣地库姆省的6.2万名“面纱不整”妇女发出警告。Last month Iranian police issued warnings to 62,000 women who were "badly veiled" in the Shiite holy province of Qom.

美国主教和伊朗什叶派领袖阿亚图拉在伊朗圣城库姆省晤谈,肯定彼此宗教在追求和平拥有共同立场。American Bishop meets with Iranian Ayatollah in the holy city of Qom to affirm their religions'common quest for peace.

在项目沿线的德黑兰、库姆与伊斯法罕客运站大楼内设置电气与机械控制系统。The electrical and mechanical control system is set in tehran qom esfahan passenger station buildings along the line of this project.

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但是有两个反对派网站报道说,伊朗政府已经禁止了除蒙塔泽里的出生地和圣城库姆以外所有地方的纪念活动。But two opposition websites reported that authorities have banned all services except those in his birthplace and the holy city of Qom.

这份报告是在国际原子能机构核查人员进入伊朗最近被曝光的建在库姆附近的核设施后发布的。The IAEA report, published November 16, comes after its inspectors visited Iran’s newly revealed nuclear facility near the city of Qom.

成千上万的伊朗人聚集到库姆参加改革派领导牧师大阿亚图拉侯赛因·阿里·蒙塔泽里的葬礼。Thousands of Iranians are converging on the city of Qom for the funeral of leading reformist cleric Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri.

成千上万的伊朗人聚集到库姆参加改革派领导牧师大阿亚图拉侯赛因…Thousands of Iranians are converging on the city of Qom for the funeral of leading reformist cleric Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri.

伊朗在库姆的一系列计划就包括安装多部离心机,其转速将比被公开的另外一座位于纳坦兹的核工厂用于铀浓缩的离心机转速更快。Iran's plans for Qom include installing faster-spinning centrifuge machines than those now enriching uranium at its other known plant, at Natanz.

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然而,在同一份报告中,IAEA表示,伊朗已经开始在圣城库姆附近的地下工厂中安装用于制造高浓缩铀的机器。However, in the same report, the IAEA says Iran has begun installing machines for creating highly enriched uranium at an underground site near the holy city of Qom.

研究层位库姆组为一套新近纪弧背前陆盆地沉积的碳酸盐岩沉积,为该区主要勘探目的层,是世界上极具特色的含陆源碎屑—火山碎屑的碳酸盐岩混积地层。Qom Formation is a carbonate deposition of Neogene Period in a back-arcforeland basin, which is main exploration target stratum in Kashan area of CentralIran Basin.

德黑兰同意国际原子能机构的检查人员进入建设在有历史意义的库姆城附近山下的第二座铀浓缩厂之后,希拉里发表了该评论。The comment came after Tehran agreed to admit inspectors from the IAEA to its second uranium enrichment plant constructed under the mountains near the historic city of Qom.

伊朗在什叶派圣城Qom附近所建设的地下核燃料设施一直到上个月才曝光,引发国际间的愤怒.The underground nuclear fuel facility near the holy Shi'ite city of Qom had been kept secret until Iran disclosed its existence last month, setting off an international furore.

报导说,星期一在伊朗北部圣城库姆举行的葬礼过程中,许多致哀者高喊反政府口号,手持伊朗反对派运动的绿色标志。The reports say many mourners chanted anti-government slogans and carried green symbols of Iran's opposition movement during Monday's funeral procession in the northern holy city of Qom.