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福鼎是一个现代的城市。Fuding gis a modern city.

第二章基于GIS的城市管理。Chapter 2-The city management of GIS.

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地理空间数据是地理信息系统的基础。Geo -spatial data is the basis of GIS.

他看到美国兵架起了一挺机关枪。He watched as the GIs set up a machine gun.

春天来了,她多像是一位个油画家。Spring gis coming, she more like a painter.

网络化和服务化是GIS的发展方向。Internet and Services are the trend for GIS.

GIS等技术建立了一个基于。NET, GIS techniques, based on the distributed.

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这些保持了专业GIS的核心技术。These remain the mainstay of professional GIS.

如何将GIS栅格到矢量多边形?How to convert GIS rasters into vector polygons?

这使得GIS的应用更加广泛和深入。This makes GIS applications more extensive and in-depth.

三角网的构造原代码。Gis triangular net structure original code, Visual Basic.

春是清新的,伴随着细雨绵绵,滋润着大地。Spring gis pure and fresh, with rainy, moisten the earth.

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研制了一套GIS中局部放电的特高频检测系统。UHF partial discharge detection system for GIS is developed.

地名信息系统是城市地理信息系统的一个组成部分。Toponym Geographic Information System is a part of urban GIS.

因此,地图符号化也是地理信息系统的重要内容之一。Accordingly map symbolization is one of important matters of GIS.

基于时变L系统提出了一种面向GIS的动态树木模型。A dynamic tree model based on timed L-system for GIS is presented.

图形空间分析是地理信息系统的重要功能之一。Graphic spatial analysis is one of the important functions of GIS.

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目前GIS软件的开发大都采用一体化的形式。Currently, GIS software developing is in the form of close-coupled.

在GIS系统中,图形符号的编辑工具是不可或缺的。The graphic symbol editor takes a very important role in GIS system.

这种评估对于GIS系统和符号库的设计者都有着很好的借鉴作用。This evaluation may be useful to designers of GIS or symbol library.