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弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫是20世纪实验主义小说家。Nabokov is a novelist of experimentalism in the 20th century.

怀疑重在破坏,实验则重在建设。Scepticism emphasize on destruction while experimentalism emphasize on construction.

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杜威教育哲学的核心是经验主义,其基本原则是实验主义和民主主义。The core of Dewey's philosophy of education is empiricism, and its basic principles are experimentalism and democratism.

因为它们一方面继承了现实主义的伟大传统,又吸收了实验主义的技巧革新因素。That is to say, Lodge's campus trilogy both inherits the great tradition of realism and absorbs some new technical innovations of experimentalism.

然而长期以来,我们对胡适的实验主义方法及其与中国新文化生成的关系的研究一直是个薄弱环节。However, for a long time studies on Hu Shi's concept of experimentalism and on it's relations with the creation of new Chinese culture have been neglected.

胡适反对研究和宣传主义,是因为他坚信实验主义的“科学方法”能够解决问题。Hu Shi objected to researching and publicizing doctrine because he firmly believed that the "scientific methods" of experimentalism would solve the problems.

胡适自师从杜威,即一生服膺于杜威实验主义哲学方法,并将这种方法运用于对中国人文科学和中国现实问题的研究,取得了巨大的成就。Hushi obeyed Dewey's experimentalism philosophy method all his life, and he used this method in his research of Chinese humanities. Hushi obtained great achievement.

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杜威力图在现代社会中大力推进这种实验主义的精神,这既深化了当代社会的现代性进程的演进,同时也会带来一些不可回避的难题。He tries to develop this spirit of experimentalism in contemporary society, which not only deepens the evolution of modernity, but also brings some inevitable problems.

第一部分通过总结现实主义与实验主义两股潮流的交替发展,对二战后的英国小说状况进行了简要的分析。The first section intends to make a brief analysis of the situation of the postwar British novel by making a summary of the two alternating streams of realism and experimentalism.

实验方法即科学实验室的态度,实验方法吸取了自然科学成果,有注重归纳和演绎等科学的一面。To Hu-shi experimentalism is the Laboratory attitude, since obtaining some nature science studies, experimentalism has more value on introducing scientific method such as induction and deduction.

新实验主义进路首次挑战了传统的“观察负载理论”的观点,使得科学实验重新进入科学哲学的视野。The approach of the new experimentalism challenges the view that all observation statements are theory-loaded, and makes the scientific experiment attract the attention of philosophers of science.

实用主义作为一个崇尚科学、注重实效的经验主义哲学流派,虽然没有把宗教当成它的首要研究对象,但它并没有轻视宗教在现代社会中的作用。Pragmatism is an experimentalism philosophical school advocating science and actual effects which does not take religion as the all-important studying object but does not look down upon it neither.

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他是主流作家中有雄心的一个,他有戏剧的敏感,讲故事的乐趣,以及可以追溯到上世纪八十年代晚期到九十年代早期的非凡的实验主义小说形式。"He is one of the main writers who brought ambition, a sense of play, a joy in storytelling and an exuberant experimentalism of form back to the novel in the late '80s and early 1990s, " Ulin said.