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生殖细胞壁为胼胝质成分。The wall of the generative cell contains callose.

即时性是一种相对概念,这也是它为什么属于可生性的原因。Immediacy is a relative term, which is why it is generative.

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茌梨花粉粒内的生殖细胞是在花粉管中分裂为两个精子。In pollen tube, the generative cell divides into two sperms.

这是一个很深入的生财因素,因为它是循环往复的,还很花时间。It is deeply generative because it is iterative and time consuming.

小孢子第一次有丝分裂形成生殖和营养细胞。The first microspore mitosis forms generative and vegetative cells.

管细胞比生殖细胞有更丰富的内含物。More inclusions were present in the tube cell than in the generative cell.

是位于种子植物花粉管中的一个单倍体细胞。Generative cell One of the haploid cells in the POLLEN TUBE of seed plants.

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乔氏在这里认定,语法的生成性是颠扑不破的真理。I don't know of any alternative to the proposal that grammar is generative.

我们认识你,哦所有天性充分的繁殖,永恒的永久!We have known Thee, O generative Plenitude of all Nature, Eternal Permanence!

教学二重性指教学过程中的预设性和生成性。Duality of teaching means pre-design and generative in the process of teaching.

生成语义学的形成是对乔姆斯基以句法为基础的转换生成语法的反驳。Generative Semantics was developed as a reaction to Chomsky's syntactic-based TG Grammar.

DAPI染色结果表明,生殖细胞及管细胞内均含丰富的细胞质DNA。DAPI staining demonstrated numerous cytoplasmic DNA in both generative cell and tube cell.

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第四章在生成教育的视野下揭示封闭式课堂存在的问题。In chapter 4, some problem in classroom is discussed under the view of generative education.

生财要素不能被拷贝、克隆、伪造、复制、仿冒或再造。A generative thing can not be copied, cloned, faked, replicated, counterfeited, or reproduced.

生成语法属于生物语言学。Adopting the biolinguistics approach, generative grammar develops as a part of biolinguistics.

营养细胞和生殖细胞周围及其之间具有明显的胼胝质荧光。There is obvious fluorescence of the callous around and between vegetative and generative cells.

生财要素就是一种需要被产生、成长、培养与呵护的特质或属性。A generative value is a quality or attribute that must be generated, grown, cultivated, nurtured.

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以成组技术为基础,采用半创成式生成原理进行轴类零件的工艺过程设计。This system is based on group technology and uses the semi generative principle to design shaft parts.

生成语法对词汇语义与句法界面的关注大致可以分为三个阶段。Generative grammar' s concern of lexical meaning and syntactical interface is comprised of three stages.

语言递归性是生成语法在当前生物语言学背景下研究的热点。Linguistic recursion becomes the focus of Generative Grammar research in the context of bio-linguistics.