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他是一家律师所的合伙人。He is a copartner of the attorney office.

北极光合伙人邓峰认为。Deng Feng of aurora borealis copartner thinks.

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YANXIANG管理团队的员工和合伙人都在ERP的实施中给予巨大的支持。YANXIANG management team staff and copartner they all give the biggest support in the ERP implementation.

刘克维与他的合伙人不约而同的将目光放在了服务器身上,心动不如行动。Liu Kewei and his copartner happens to coincide put the view on server body, enchanted be inferior to the action.

IDGVC合伙人张震表示,从资本运作的角度来看,华铁的潜在收益价值非常高。IDGVC copartner Zhang Zhen expresses, in light of the angle that runs from capital, potential profit value of Hua Tie is very high.

上海联创治理合伙人冯涛认为,资本市场冷一冷有好处,投资市场也应该冷静一下。Shanghai couplet achieves administrative copartner Feng Tao to think, capital market Leng Yileng has profit, investment market also should sober one.

另外,公司制PE基金还可以无期限做下去,而合伙制PE需合伙人之间重新签订协议。Additional, the company makes PE fund still can be done without deadline, and partnership makes PE need the agreement is signed afresh between copartner.

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麦顿投资合伙人邱立平告诉记者,最近刚和他们的投资人聊了一圈,感到基本状况还算稳定。Mai Du invests copartner Qiu Liping to tell a reporter, just talked about circuit with their investor recently, feel basic to the state still calculates stability.

纪源资本管理合伙人符绩勋表示,设立政府引导基金是好事情,关键在于政策的可持续性。Discipline source capital manages copartner Fu Jixun to express, creating governmental guiding fund is meddlesome affection, the key depends on policy but durative.

卓福民说,GGV硅谷风险投资团队的创始合伙人有些都是七十高龄,这一点和中国有很大的不同。Zhuo Fumin says, the virgin copartner of group of venture capital investment of GGV Silicon Valley is 70 advanced age a little, this and China have very big different.

老崔得知合伙人要卖掉塞浦路斯的餐馆,情场失意的老崔只想快点回到塞浦路斯挽救自己的事业。Laocui is informed copartner to want to sell the restaurant of Cyprus, the Laocui with frustrated field thinks affection to return Cyprus to save his cause quickly only.

国浩律师集团管理合伙人詹昊博士表示,非法制售保单如何定性,要看是否造成严重的影响或损失。Copartner of management of grand lawyer group Dr. Zhan Hao represents the state, make carry out guarantee slip illegally how qualitative, want to look to whether cause serious effect or loss.