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新兴的新闻叙事学是本文的理论基础。Modern News Narratology is the theoretical foundation of this paper.

提出不足的同时,总结经验,探寻西方叙事学在中国新的发展前景。Then the new prospects of Western Narratology in China are exploited in new age.

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目前,对于“新闻叙事学”的研究在学科领域内尚付阙如。At present, the study of news narratology doesn't exist in the field of subjects.

叙事学在本世纪的兴起,使文学研究进入了一个新的天地。Literature research entered a new epoch, as Narratology got expansion in last century.

从叙事学的角度看,它与作品中隐含作者与叙述者的关系密切相关。From the narratology angle, it has close relation with the hidden writer and the narrator.

本文研究的范围是沈从文的小说,侧重于叙事学与心理学上的解读和分析。And special emphasis is laid on the explanations and analysis of narratology and psychology.

新闻是一种典型的叙事文,理应纳入叙事学的研究范畴。News is a kind of typical narration, and it should be included in the category of narratology.

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80年代后,由于文化——社会批评的崛起,叙事学研究受到冷落。Because of culture-society critic's rising after the 80s, the research of Narratology declined.

格雷马斯叙事学理论在童话中的运用已经引起国内外有关学者的极大兴趣。The application of Greimas Narratology to fairy tales arouses great interest of the researchers.

叙事学的发展主要讨论了叙事学的两个发展阶段和研究的内容。The study of "Text time"is one of the important theoretical constituents of Classical Narratology.

第三部分则从叙述学的视角进一步分析狄更斯作品中“我”的因素。The third part analysises the "me" factor in Charles Dickens' works from the angle of narratology.

从新闻叙事学中可以提炼出服务于这个层面有一些共通的技术保障。There can be some common technical assurance extracted from news narratology to serve on this level.

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论文第二章着重对“宅门戏”的文本进行考察,从类型学和叙事学这两大脉络进行分析。In the second section, the texts of "Zhaimen Drama" are investigated in terms of Typology and Narratology.

意识形态叙事的理论探微要求把叙事学的开端追溯到俄国形式主义。The study on the narrative theory of ideology shows that Russian formalism is the very beginning of narratology.

本文旨在运用叙事学理论,系统分析毛姆长篇和短篇小说的叙事特征。This thesis analyzes the characteristics of narration in Maugham's fiction by applying the theory of narratology.

在叙事学的内容研究上,本研究主要讨论叙事结构和叙事话语。As to the research contents of narratology , this study explores mainly narrative structure and narrative discourse.

论文从叙事学的角度探讨了凌叔华小说的叙事风格。This paper is an attempt to analyze the narrative style of Ling Shu-hua's fiction from the perspective of narratology.

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新闻叙事学是以新闻事实为基点,运用叙事学理论,对叙事的故事、话语、叙述等三个层面展开研究的学问。Based on news facts, news narratology carries out research in the aspects of story, discourse and narration of narratology.

当把纪录片看作一种文本存在时,纪录片的叙事学研究就浮出水面。However, when documentaries appear as text existences, research in terms of Narratology seems to be necessary and valuable.

本论文即从叙事学角度对伍尔夫小说的叙事艺术进行详细地研究。This dissertation conducts an elaborate study of the narrative art in Woolf's fictions from the perspective of narratology.