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它们的关系很糟糕。It's a troubled relationship.

何为正常的两性关系?What’s normal in a relationship?

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你在关系中习惯受虐么?Are You a Relationship Masochist?

定义相等关系。Define the equality relationship.

我还不想开始一段情。I'm not ready for a relationship.

这种关系有多深呢?How Deep Will the Relationship Be?

我的专业是公共关系学。My subject is public relationship.

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他们的关系很快有了嫌隙.Their relationship soon went sour.

图2-9显示出它们之间的关系。Figure 2-9 shows this relationship.

不过最终,这种关系还是变了味儿。Eventually, the relationship soured.

最后,为夫妻关系投资。Finally, invest in the relationship.

友情胜过亲情。Friendship outdoes the relationship.

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我仍然有线性的关系。I still have my linear relationship.

让长期关系变得有趣吧。Spicing up a Long Term Relationship.

这段关系可能还有价值。The relationship may yet have value.

你和欧克斯里是什么关系?What was your relationship to Oxley?

姚和我有一个了不起的关系。Yao and I have a great relationship.

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好的,因此这个是它们的关系。All right, so this is a relationship.

一种好的关系是以信任为基础的。A good relationship is built on trust.

你怎样扭转一段走向岔路的关系?How do you turn around a relationship?