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一个哈比人,夏尔的比尔伯·巴金斯。A hobbit – Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.

那么詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊会接演比尔博·巴金斯这个角色吗?Will he take on the role of Bilbo Baggins?

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有一个人早已知道毕尔博有魔戒。There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the ring.

比尔博接替了,我们接受到一个新任务,时间是两星期。Bilbo , and to put in for a retrofit within two weeks.

显示的内容为Thror的地图和一个比尔博巴金斯表的副本。Shown are Thror's map and a replica of Bilbo Baggins' table.

因此寻找适合的毕尔博扮演者对电影的成败至关重要。Finding the perfect Bilbo is essential to the success of the film.

不过,无辜的比尔博当天早上所见的,只是一名拿着拐杖的老人。All that the unsuspecting Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a staff.

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马丁弗里曼,比尔伯巴金斯的扮演者,对导演不吝赞扬之情。Martin Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, bubbled with praise for his director.

比尔博命中注定会得到魔戒。从这个意义上讲你得到它也是必然的。Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it.

电影里,比尔博进入到山里,和史矛革交谈时发现了阿肯石。The film has Bilbo enter the mountain and discover the Arkenstone while talking with Smaug.

比尔博·巴金斯的生日蛋糕上有111支蜡烛,最后,这些蜡烛把那块聚苯乙烯蛋糕点着了。Bilbo Baggins's birthday cake has 111 candles on it and they eventually set fire to the polystyrene cake.

比尔博·巴金斯的马甲就是一个很好的例子,正如“哈比人”那章所描述的那样,上面的确是有黄铜的纽扣。One such example is Bilbo Baggins's waistcoat which does indeed sport brass buttons, as referred to in "The Hobbit".

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比尔博在宴会上做他的告别演说时,拍摄哈比人的反应的镜头时,是多米尼克·莫纳汉在读演讲词。When Bilbo makes his farewell speech at the party, Dominic Monaghan read the speech for the reaction shots of the hobbits.

在书中,比尔博在戴上魔戒的时候听到了蜘蛛讲话,但是看起来似乎只是因为之前他离的太远。In the book, Bilbo hears the spiders talk when he puts on the ring, but it appears that's just because he was too far away before.

我们上一次看到伊恩·霍姆时,这位年长的“毕尔博·巴金斯”刚从魔戒三部曲中归来。When we last saw him, the older Bilbo Baggins was returning from his travels in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and was played by Ian Holm.

我知道你已经否认你将演出哈比人的传闻,但假如他们提供你这个角色,你会有兴趣吗?。I know you squashed the rumor that you'd play Bilbo Baggins in 'The Hobbit . ' But if they did offer you the role, would you be interested?

他很聪明、风趣、令人惊奇并且很勇敢——这和比尔博如出一辙,能宣布他就是我们的比尔博我感到非常骄傲。He is intelligent, funny, surprising and brave — exactly like Bilbo and I feel incredibly proud to be able to announce that he is our Hobbit.

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为了使这些这些功能,你也必须安装比尔博图书馆,找到作者的网站,并在交换只给一个小捐赠。To enable those those features, you have to also install Bilbo library, found on the author's website and given only in exchange of a small donation.

虽然比尔博·巴金斯的场景都在霍比顿,但是伊恩·霍姆从未真正去过那里。他的所有镜头都是在摄影棚里拍摄的,又扣蓝实现的。Although Bilbo Baggins's opening scenes are in Hobbiton, Ian Holm never actually worked on the location. His scenes were all done against blue screen.

在托尔金第一次出版小说的70多年后的今天,霍比特人比尔博·巴金斯将要出现在原作改编的第三部电影里了。Now, more than 70 years after Tolkien first published those words, the hobbit himself, Bilbo Baggins, is set to appear in a third movie inspired by the book.