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这老头儿脾气倔。That old man is rather surly.

我们抱怨经常性的误点和态度恶劣的员工。We complain of frequent delays and surly staff.

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许多性情乖戾、样子凶恶、眼神粗野的人工作。Many surly , brutal-looking , wild- eyed men work.

他的老婆对那举起的报纸投以不高兴的一瞥。His threw a surly glance at the upraised newspaper.

打开房门,我们那个阴沉的德国影子对着我们怒目而视。In the open doorway our surly german shadow glowers.

罗伯特往椅背一靠,闷声不响,几近乖戾。Robert leaned back in his chair quiet and almost surly.

“我可不称心,”背后一个脸色阴沉的胖女人大声喊。"not fine to me, " shouted a large surly woman in the back.

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他表面上虽然显得粗暴,可是心眼儿却不错。Though he looks surly , he has his heart in the right place.

因为你对这里侍者服胤务的抱怨都比我要多。All that surly waiter business was much more your kick than mine.

房间小,服务态度差,还漫天要价。The rooms are small, the service is surly and they're overpriced.

鹅群在河里来回游动,阴沉的天空黑灰交织。Geese are coming up off the river, black against gray in the surly sky.

目前,他必须找到丝苔妮,让她粗暴的态度见鬼去。Right now, he needed to get to Stephanie, her surly attitude be damned.

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听到了吗?怎么回事?我怎么总遇上粗鲁角色?。Did you hear that?What is that? Why do I always get the surly manicurist?

那个乖戾的商人捻弄着胡子,洽购那头三十颗珍珠。The surly merchant twirled his moustache as he purchased the first thirty pearls.

那个乖戾的商人捻弄着他卷曲的胡子,洽够头批30颗珍珠。The surly merchant twirled his curly moustache as he purchased the first thirty pearls.

他能力强,人品好,办事勤快,显然会步步高升的。In the light of his aptitude, personality and diligence, he will surly be promoted soon.

假如我们能善于利用时间,当然毫无疑问地我们会成功。In th light, if w can mak good us of tim, thr can surly b no doubt that w will gt somwhr.

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这里可以吃到西西里盛宴而不用害怕丢了手脚。There, it was just possible to enjoy a surly Sicilian feast without the loss of arm or leg.

“把你的剑装回剑鞘吧,”无礼的郡治安官说,“否则很快很快就会有一个粗野的农奴将你碎尸万段。”"Sheath thy sword" the surly sheriff said "or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee. "

华盛顿的游客是小约翰W欣克利,25,长荣,他在科罗拉多州一个阴郁的心情。The visitor to Washington was John W. Hinckley Jr. , 25, of Evergreen, Colo. He was in a surly mood.