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甚至还有一个名称的话,休止期臭气。There's even a name for it, Telogen Effluvium.

是慢性静止期脱发还是雄性秃发?。Chronic telogen effluvium or early androgenetic alopecia?

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这种情况称为休止期沴结果增加头发下降。This condition called telogen effluvium results increased hair fall.

最有效的离子发生器是无声放电式的。The most effective air—ion producer is worked by statistic effluvium.

生长期脱发通常是由于内部管理的药物。Anagen Effluvium is usually due to internally administered medications.

休止期臭气的特点是突然脱发的中断所造成的正常头发生长周期。Telogen effluvium is an abnormal loss of hair due to alteration of the normal hair cycle.

休止期脱发数量增加毛囊进入休息状态时发生。Telogen Effluvium occurs when an increased number of hair follicles enter the resting state.

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全国所有的州,再没有把咱祖宗的坟地用做核废料掩埋场更好的办法了。We have whole states with nothing better to do than serve as ancestral burial grounds for our effluvium.

休止期臭气的特点是突然脱发的中断所造成的正常头发生长周期。Telogen Effluvium is characterized by abrupt hair loss caused by an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle.

介绍了城市污水处理厂臭气来源、成分及产量。The sources, components and output of effluvium derived from municipal wastewater treatment plants were introduced in this paper.