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如果你是一个寻求真理的人。Are you a seeker or a searcher.

迅雷资源搜索引擎检索器和用户接口的实现。The implement of XunLei searcher and user-interface.

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当然,呈现在用户面前的搜索效果会更好。Again, the searcher will have access to better results.

在对页面进行优化时,一定要像搜索者那样思考问题。To optimize your pages, remember to think like a searcher.

每个搜索用户都可以根据他们搜索时使用的关键字来定位。Every searcher can be defined by the words they use when searching.

在中国,你想看电影不需要花钱,在网上找就行了。You can get the movie by Searcher. It is not worth paying for it in China.

搜索用户统计学已被证明在商业动作与品牌建立方面相当有益。Searcher demographics can prove to be valuable for your business and your brand.

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考虑一下开始你的第一个插件安装,抄本和论坛搜索器插件。Consider making your first plugin installation the Codex and Forum Searcher Plugin.

本文列举了网络信息存在的几大问题,以期引起广大网络信息收集利用者的注意。The paper lists some problems of web information, in order to appeal the attention of the web information searcher.

殷切期望广大读者以此为契机,踊跃投入到探索者的行列中来吧。Be on the tiptoe of expectation is broad the reader is chance with this, be thrown in the cavalcade of searcher to come eagerly.

强制公司根据一个不相关的长期的结果的顶部是一个没有去是非常无益的搜索者和广告商。Forcing a company to the top of the results under a non relevant term is a no-go and is very unhelpful to both the searcher and the advertiser.

Price本人也长期搜寻着方舟,作为搜寻诺亚方舟有限责任公司的一个成员,他曾数次上亚拉拉特山探险。Price is a longtime searcher himself for the ark. As a member of Noah’s Ark Search LLC, he had gone on a number of expeditions to Mount Ararat.

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Mayor童鞋和他的同事们是使用高精确度径向速度行星搜索器找到这些行星的,这个听上去有点夸张的高度精确径向速度行星搜索器简称为HARPS,是台位于智利拉希腊天文台的望远镜。Mayor and colleagues used the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher or HARPS, a telescope at La Silla observatory in Chile, to find the planets.

本文分析了中文搜索引擎的特点和发展趋势,并详细介绍了国内主要的中文搜索引擎的一些主要特征。The article analysis the character of chinese searcher enginer and the development of them, also introduce the main searcher engineerscharacter in China.

Siri的这一特性是与Google的重要不同点,后者向用户反馈搜索结果,并把搜索用户引导到相应的旅游交易网站进行预订或者电话咨询。This is an important distinction from Google, which returns relevant search results and then points the searcher off to the vendors website to book or call.

此阶段后期,即确定购买前,搜索者对具体需求和影响购买决定之因素已了如指掌。Late in the process, just prior to the purchase decision, the searcher now has a thorough understanding of specific needs, wants, and issues affecting the purchase decision.

作为一种有目标性定位战略的延伸,针对部分复杂与不断增长的品牌群体,搜索用户统计学对他们的网民进入了详细分析。As an extension of the targeting by intent strategy, a sophisticated and growing segment of brands are turning to searcher demographics to conduct detailed analyses of their online audience.

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如果应用程序期望请求某些特定的查询,那么在创建新搜索程序或第一个搜索程序时就应该反注释这些部分并执行适当的查询。If an application expects certain queries to be requested, then it is useful to uncomment these sections and execute the appropriate queries when the first searcher or a new searcher is created.

实际上,该小组使用的仪器,高精度径向行星搜索器,位于智利拉西拉,配有3.6米望远镜,是最多产的行星猎人搜索器。in fact, the instrument the team used, the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher attached to a 3.6-meter telescope in La Silla, Chile, is the most prolific planet-hunting device out there.