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我在一个夜晚聆听水龙头的流水声I heard the sound of taps one night

爸爸微笑着磕了磕他的烟斗。My dad smiles and taps on his pipe.

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一阵轻拍后,封面变松了。After a few taps the cover came loose.

一种独舞强调快速的拍打。A solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps.

可修磨丝锥整个前切削面。But before grinding taps the whole block.

不过,这样的轻敲肯定是极其恼人的了。Of course, those taps were extremely bothersome.

暂时不用的取压口应棒料丝堵密封保存。Unused taps shall be plugged with bar stock plugs.

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随手关灯,关水龙头,不要再让爸爸提醒我了。I will reminder everyone to shut off lights and taps.

洗完手,请记着关好水龙头。Remember to turn off the taps after washing your hands.

他安抚的不断轻拍着她颤抖的背脊。What he pacified continuously taps she shivers of spine.

水龙头发痒他和双水龙头改变他的表现。A tap tickles him and double taps change his expressions.

自来水逗他,他的表情变化双重水龙头。A tap tickles him and double taps changes his expressions.

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歌唱队既拍手又跺脚,以加重音乐的节奏。The choir claps and taps to accent the swing of the music.

这位男士亲切地把号码输入她的手机,然后把车驶向路边停下。He obligingly taps it into her cellphone, and then pulls off.

牧师按常规做了祷告,号手吹起了军号。The pastor said the usual prayers and the bugler played taps.

水龙头都开着,水在向外流。这是一种浪费。The taps were left on and the water was running. It's a waste.

可他还是把这只海葵打到松懈下来才住手。But he taps and strokes it until it finally relaxes and stretches.

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要记得随手关灯,用水完后随手关闭水龙头。Remember to turn off the lights and water taps unless we use them.

在英国东南部,修上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万英镑。Many in the South East earn £70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps.

史蒂尔说,他回家后就立刻把接取树液的龙头与水桶拆掉了。Steel says he went home and removed the taps and buckets right away.