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这种结果象征着卫兵换岗。Such an outcome would symbolise the changing of the guard.

这个其实之后逐步当做象征独立和统一的象征。The flag then, appears to symbolise both independence and unity.

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中世纪,男人们佩戴钻石,作为勇敢和刚强的象征。In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility.

最三不朽象征承接该男子的妻子爱。Most eternities symbolise the continuation of the man's love for his wife.

他们唯一的努力象征着澳大利亚未来的最好希望。Their lone efforts symbolise the best hope for indigenous Australia's future.

现在看来M25公路的完工似乎标志着撒切尔主义的鼎盛记忆。The completion of the M25 now seems to symbolise the high-water mark of Thatcherism.

这个假肢似乎代表了那个地雷在伊拉克北部爆炸时我所失去的一切。It seemed to symbolise everything I lost when that landmine exploded in Northern Iraq.

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由于圆锥屋顶象征着曼西帐篷,故经常用于现代建筑当中。That’s why in modern architecture conic roofs are often used. They symbolise a Mansi tent.

鸢尾花象征友谊,围绕着常春藤——象征忍耐和依赖。Irises symbolise friendship, surrounded by a halo of ivy, which stands for endurance and dependence.

这张照片使卡帕一举成名,并成为反抗法西斯主义斗争的象征。It brought instant fame to the Hungarian-born Capa and came to symbolise the struggle against Fascism.

猪给人以一种生活富足的感觉,因此有人认为人与猪合在一起就构成了衣食无忧的生活。The domestic pig might well symbolise prosperity to man, so closely knit and tied together were their lives.

卡斯帕罗夫的最终胜利象征着年轻人的活力战胜了疲态尽显的苏联帝国。Kasparov's eventual victory came to symbolise the triumph of youthful energy over the creaking Soviet empire.

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本主题显示卧床的孩子,而是由泰迪熊,象征安全,温暖和关怀所包围。The motif shows a child confined to bed, but surrounded by teddies, which symbolise security, warmth and care.

书中的鲁斯坦拥有无比的力量,被魔力所庇佑,象征着波斯的荣誉与品德。In its text Rustam is said to possess great strength, be protected by magic, and symbolise Persian honour and virtue.

在其中一个广场上,现存的凤凰木用来象征智慧树和木十字架。The existing Poinciana tree, in one of the four quarters is used to symbolise the tree of knowledge and the wood of the cross.

还有什么能比其最钟爱的啤酒落入外国人手中更能清楚地说明美国经济优势地位的丧失呢?COULD anything symbolise America’s loss of economic supremacy more clearly than for its favourite beer to fall into foreign hands?

象徵向大地排泄及施肥,据说可为来年带来繁荣与好运。The "caganers", who symbolise defecating and fertilizing the earth, are believed to bring prosperity and luck for the coming year.

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如今,他修长如鹅颈的脖子与精致姣好的面容已经成为古、现代女性美丽结合的化身。Now her long swan-like neck and exquisite features have come to symbolise the join between ancient and modern ideas of feminine beauty.

红色条指示传播到流的其他部分的文件部分。The red bars indicate the part of the file propagated to the rest of the flow. The green boxes symbolise mark-up provided by delimiters

葫芦上的蘑菇状头,是男性携带以象征其与子宫的联系,是他深思熟虑的标志。The mushroom shaped cap on the gourd, which men carry to symbolise their connection with the womb, is a sign of his accumulated thought.