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他是个很好的历史学家。He was a good historian.

这个就是大名鼎鼎的历史学家范先生。This is Mr. Fan, the historian.

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他是法国历史学家和教育家。He was a French pedagogue and historian.

他是法国历史学家和教育家。He was a french historian and pedagogue.

史蒂芬·安布罗斯是一位历史学家兼教师。Stephen Ambrose is a historian and teacher.

柳诒徵是我国现代著名的历史学家。Liu Yizheng is a famous modern China Historian.

头一次遇到独立战争史的史学家,我才六岁。I met my first revisionist historian when I was six.

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冯契,既是一位哲学家,又是一位哲学史家。Fengqi is a Philosopher and a historian of Philosophy.

李华是一位文史兼通的大家。In short, Li Hua is both a litterateur and a historian.

1978年的11月20日对这名历史学家来说有历史意义。November 20, 1978 was a historic day for the historian.

田昌五先生是我国著名的历史学家。As one of the most distinguished historian in China, Mr.

黄宗智先生是当代最负盛名的法律史学家。Huang Zongzhi is one of the most famous legal historian.

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约瑟夫斯是一世纪的犹太历史学家,生活在大约公元37-100年间。Josephus was a Jewish historian who lived circa 37-100 AD.

证据来自历史学家约瑟夫是有问题。The evidence from the historian Josephus is problematical.

该信息对历史学家来说十分有价值。This information is of the highest utility to a historian.

撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallustius was a statesman and historian of Roman Republic.

刘祚昌教授是我国著名历史学家。Professor Liu Zuochang is a famous historian in our country.

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熊铁基先生是中国当代著名历史学家。Xiong Tieji is a well-known historian in contemporary China.

犹太的历史学教约瑟夫详细地描述了圣殿。The Jewish historian Josephus described the temple in detail.

这个历史学家在各种珍本中搜寻资料。The historian delves into some rare editions for information.