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请于7点唤醒我。Please awaken me at seven.

蝙蝠鹞鱼开始了盛宴。Bat rays awaken to the feast.

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现在是,连这“一觉”也没有了。Today, even this fails to "awaken"me.

老年人早晨醒得早。Old people awaken early in the morning.

此时,她们伸伸懒腰,慢慢地苏醒了。And then they stretch and gradually awaken.

答案当然是醒酒器。And we use decanters to "awaken" our wines.

节气“惊蛰”是什么意思?What does the solar term Insects Awaken mean?

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立春之后,很快就到了惊蛰。Insects awaken soon after the first day of spring.

因为他的嗔心唤醒了我们本身之嗔恨。Because their hatreds had awaken the hatreds in us.

“惊蛰”通常在公历哪天到来?When will Insects Awaken come in Gregorian calendar?

一九四○年五月法国的沦陷,犹未使我们惊醒。Even the fall of France in May 1940 failed to awaken us.

有些人可以睡着但半夜易醒。Some people get to sleep but then awaken during the night.

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我变从梦中哭着惊醒过来,心里特酸。I changed awaken from the dream crying, heart special acid.

患有睡眠呼吸暂停的人经常在夜间醒来。People with sleep apnea awaken frequently during the night.

在天边淌出一股金色细流的霎那间,黎明破晓,森林苏醒。In a slick of molten gold, dawn breaks and the trees awaken.

不知而知其不知者,是少学,帮教他。He who knows, and knows not he knows, he is asleep, awaken him.

只有它的号声才能将德鲁伊们从长眠中唤醒。Only its clarion call can awaken the druids from their slumber.

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领导人试图使我们认识到我们所面临的危险。The leader attempted to awaken us to the dangers we are facing.

夏总兵的喝斥声将我唤醒。Xia defends a city the official berates the sound to awaken me.

当你从眼动睡眠中被唤醒的话,你会感觉到神清气爽。When you awaken from REM sleep, you’ll feel refreshed and alert.