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损伤机制多为过伸伤。Most frequent mechanism of the injury is hyperextension.

这个动作也将帮预防膝关节超伸。This action will also help prevent hyperextension of your knees.

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学习通过完全伸展你的大腿来伸展你的膝关节,但不超伸。Learn to straighten your knees with full extension of your legs but without hyperextension.

①目的探讨颈椎过伸性损伤的早期诊断和治疗方法。Objective To study the early diagnosis and treatment of hyperextension injury of cervical vertebra.

建立了ABS的核心和稳定肌肉过度伸展练习较低,早在罗马椅。Build the core-stabilizing muscles of the abs and lower back with hyperextension exercises in a Roman chair.

当然,你不想因为练习体式加剧膝盖超伸和膝盖不稳定的情况。Of course, you want to practice your poses in a way that won't increase hyperextension and knee instability.

内外侧设有铝金属片,特别设计防止膝盖过度伸直。膝盖上方及下方设有皮带。Medial lateral aluminum stays with hyperextension stop. Opposing loop lock straps above and below open patella.

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在这个自由练习视频六块腹肌锻炼用在与罗马椅健身教练仰头腹肌。Exercise the abs with hyperextension on the Roman chair with a fitness instructor in this free video six-pack abs workout.

目的探讨颈椎过伸性损伤的损伤机制、诊断、治疗方法及疗效。Objective To study the mechanism, early diagnosis and treatment in patients with hyperextension injury of cervical vertebra.

如果你向右侧做三角式,你的右腿与地面呈一个角度,这样由于重力的作用,就会很容易将右腿的膝盖拉到超伸的状态。如果你的右手用力压在小腿上,那就会将胫骨向后压。If you are doing the pose to the right, your right leg is at an angle to the floor that makes it easy for gravity to pull the leg into hyperextension.

如果你在三角式中通常把手放在小腿上,那纠正超伸的第一步是把手放在瑜伽砖上。If you usually place your hand on your shin in Trikonasana, the first step in correcting hyperextension should be placing your hand on a block instead.

防止膝盖过伸及身体压力引起的腰围动脉堵塞,转卷可以防止两腿外翻。Prevents hyperextension of, knees and occlusion of popliteal artery caused by pressure from body weight. Trochanter roll prevents external rotation of legs.

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交通事故伤13例,头部重物砸伤6例,坠落伤、头面部撞击地面5例,颈椎过伸伤2例,其他原因2例。The mechanisms of injury were traffic accident in 13 cases, bruise in 6 cases, falling down in 5 cases, hyperextension in 2 cases and other cause in 2 cases.

通过分析青年颈椎病X线征象特点,探讨过伸过屈位片对早期颈椎病诊断的价值。Analyzes the X-ray feature of youth cervical vertebra and discusses the diagnostic role of hyperextension and hyperflexion in the early period cervical spondylosis.

变窄的间隙在腰椎反复过度伸展时增加了峡部断裂的危险。This lack of space places them at increased risk for pars fractures with repetitive lumbar hyperextension. This relationship has not been explored in a pediatric population.

虽然有一些胸腰段脊柱伸展过度性损伤的报道,但是现在病例的影像学发现与先前那些报道的病例不同。Although there have been several reports of hyperextension injuries in the thoracolumbar spine, the radiologic findings of the present case was different from those in the previously reported cases.