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他正在做一项病理研究。He is doing a research in pathology.

DHT组的肝脏组织病理接近正常。HD-DHT had nearly normal liver pathology.

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推出病理切片机用一次性刀片。Disposable microtome blades for pathology introduced.

术中取右心房心内膜活检做病理观察。Pathology of right atrium endocardium was also observed.

所有标本均经病理证实为星形细胞瘤。All specimens are confirmed astrocytoma through pathology.

分子肿瘤病理学是一门新兴的学科。Molecular oncologic pathology is a relatively new discipline.

除了轻微水肿,这张图看不出其他病理变化。Other than perhaps mild edema, these photos show no pathology.

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主要病理变化是角朊细胞角化不全。Its major character of pathology is parakeratosis of keracytes.

关于病理和治疗章也相当丰富。The chapter on pathology and therapy is also fairly informative.

什么样的病状可以使用高压氧治疗?。What kind of pathology can use high- pressured oxygen treatment?

图1和图2是两个经典的病理学或细胞病理学样本图片。Fig 1 and 2 are two classic pathology or cytopathology board photos.

植物抗病基因的研究是目前植物病理学科的热点及难点之一。Study of plant R genes is one of the key subjects of plant pathology.

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动物病理学是基础兽医学和临床兽医学的桥梁。Animal pathology is the foundation of veterinary and clinical sciences.

迈克。塞丹从二楼顺楼梯走进病理科。From the second floor Mike Seddons used the stairway to reach Pathology.

帮忙解读一下这份有关乳腺癌的病理报告?。Help the pathology report that unscrambles this concerned breast cancer?

大动脉病变较小动脉病变组预后差。The large artery pathology is worser than the prognosis of small artery.

这将是由于一个尚未确定的分型某一特定的病理。This would be due to a not yet identified sub-type of a given pathology.

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术后病理证实均为分泌期子宫内膜。Postoperative pathology verifies that secretes the membrane in an uterus.

这是纳塔耳大学植物病理学系的网站。This is the website of Department of Plant Pathology , University of Natal.

目的探讨籽骨软骨软化症的病因、病理。Objective To explore the cause and pathology of chondromalacia of sesamoids.