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没有过上腹部烧灼感。There has been no burning in epigastrium.

食欲不振,上腹部有不适感。Inappetence , epigastrium has unwell feeling.

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主要体征是上腹部压痛。Main body is asked for is epigastrium tenderness.

胆绞痛的疼痛有时出现在上腹。The pain of biliary colic is occasionally in the epigastrium.

因为胆囊位于上腹部,形如一只小酒瓶。Because the gallbladder is located at the epigastrium , a shape like small beverage bottle.

胃癌患者上腹部疼痛,通过按压也会有所缓解。The stomach cancer patient epigastrium ache, through will hold back will also have the alleviation.

有表现特征的常为上腹部不适和烧心之特征。Has performance characteristic Chang Wei the epigastrium is ill and characteristic of the heartburn.

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目的探讨糖尿病患者上腹部手术麻醉的方法。Objective To evaluate the anesthesia methods and management of the patients with epigastrium operation.

目的探讨高龄高危患者上腹部手术治疗的麻醉管理方法。Objective To discuss the methods of anesthesia of the epigastrium operation for the aged high-risk patients.

结论儿童闭合性胰腺损伤多因上腹部直接撞击伤。Conclusion The commonest mechanism of blunt pancreatic trauma in children is a direct impact to the epigastrium.

上腹部和右季肋部有压痛,但在缓解期可无上述体征表现。On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.

基于前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。As a consequence of the results of the aforementioned analyses, patients referring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated.

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慢性门脉高压可导致侧枝循环建立,可出现脐部和上腹部局部水母头样改变。Chronic portal hypertension may lead to development of collateral circulation , which is manifested as caput medusa in the region of the umbilicus and epigastrium.

胃溃疡常见的临床表现有局限于上腹部的腹痛,可归纳为局限性、缓慢性和节律性。The clinical expression with common gastric ulcer has the abdominal pain of epigastrium of bureau be confined to, but reduce limitation, slow sex and section law sex.

由于酗酒、刺激性食物和药物引起者,多有上腹部不适、疼痛、食欲减退、恶心、呕吐等,一般不很严重。As a result of XuWine, the person that excitant food and medicaments are caused, have epigastrium more unwell, aching, anorexia, disgusting, vomiting, general very not serious.

其患者多伴有上腹部胀满,胸胁苦满,脐部动悸亢进,便秘等症。Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation.

本病起病急骤,临床主要表现为寒战、高热、上腹部剧痛、恶心、呕吐,偶有脓性呕吐物。The disease since this disease is urgent suddenly, clinical and main show is pang of shiver, high fever, epigastrium , disgusting, vomiting, have purulent sex puke occasionally.

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先有咽喉抓痒感及灼烧感,上腹部灼烧感或疼痛,其后出现胃肠炎症状,剧烈呕吐、腹泻。First pharynx and larynx stresses urticant feeling and calcination feeling, epigastrium calcination feels or ache, appear ever since gastroenteritis symptom, acuteness vomiting, diarrhoea.

大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic , glossitis, diarrhoea.

大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic , glossitis , diarrhoea.