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判例就像医药,只有具备资格的药剂师才能开出。A fatwa is a medicine which has to be given by a qualified physician.

亵渎,它可能会都我振奋,并得到我说,教令。Desecrating it would probably both cheer me up and get me that fatwa.

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发布针对所有美国军方人员的追杀令,并将该法令传真给全球的支持者。Issues fatwa against all US military personnel, faxed to supporters across the world

该组织当前正计划成立一个中心用于在虚拟世界进行演讲和召开教法会议。The organization is currently planning a center for lectures and fatwa sessions in the virtual world.

在萨曼·拉什迪遭到伊斯兰教法学家的裁决后,他的两位译者被谋杀。For example, the murder of two of Salman Rushdie's translators after the fatwa was issued against him.

他说他的判决基于这样一种信念,没有穆斯林应该接受或协助非穆斯林侵略者。He says his fatwa is based on the belief that no Muslim should accept or assist a non-Muslim occupier.

穆拉德获得了判决从埃及'乌里玛为了制服卡拉曼了与基督徒。Murad gained a fatwa from an Egyptian 'ulama in order to subdue Karaman for having collaborated with Christians.

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他们强调他们对和平是有承诺的,并一致认为伦敦的自杀性袭击是为伊斯兰教所禁止的。They were underline their commitment to peace and to issue a fatwa condemning the bombings as forbidden in Islam.

1996年,本·拉登离开苏丹前往阿富汗。发布针对所有美国军方人员的追杀令,并将该法令传真给全球的支持者。Bin Laden leaves Sudan for Afghanistan. Issues fatwa against all US military personnel, faxed to supporters across the world

必须清楚,特殊案例当中所给出的教法或者规定和给予公众的教法裁决是有区别的。It should be clear that there is a difference between a fatwa or a ruling to be given to a specific individual in a given case and fatwas given to the public.

埃及最高穆提夫发布的法令引用一段古兰经中的原文呼吁全体穆斯林避免沾染这一恶习。Gambling is forbidden in Islam, and the fatwa quotes a verse from the Koran that calls on all Muslims to avoid gambling as an abomination and Satan's handiwork.

这个时候关公被警察调查,误以为是“飞基”二人出卖他,于是发出江湖追杀令追杀二人,二人迫于无奈只有奋力反击。This time by police investigating Kuan Kung, mistaken for "flying base, " two surrender him, issued a fatwa to kill two lakes, only two are forced to fight back.

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爱资哈尔大学法特瓦审查委员会的教长海萨姆指责来自前总统穆巴拉克被罢黜政权的“麻烦制造者”试图制造危机。Sheikh Haitham Islam of Al-Azhar’s Fatwa Committee blamed "trouble-makers" from the deposed regime of former President Hosni Mubarak of trying to create a crisis.

在线法学家更应该知道提问者的情况,所在地区的法律,当地的主要习惯等等,那样才能给出正确判例。The online mufti should know even more about the questioner's conditions, laws of his country, prevailing customs and so on, so that he would be able to give the right fatwa.

本.拉登96年对美国宣战,他指出美国是在贝鲁特海军军营爆炸案后从黎巴嫩撤军的。In his 1996 fatwa declaring war on America, bin Laden pointed out that the United States withdrew its forces from Lebanon after the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.

卡拉达维是欧洲法特瓦与研究委员会的主席,长期被视为穆斯林兄弟会的智慧力量,但他婉拒了出任该组织领袖的邀请。He is the president of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, and has long been a leading intellectual force in the Muslim Brotherhood, though he has turned down offers to lead the organization.