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这是一个快速、可重复的过程。This is a fast and repeatable process.

准确,无脉,可重复的流程。Get precise, pulseless, repeatable flow.

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它们与重复的科学试验不同。They are not repeatable scientific tests.

内高压成形过程是很重复。The hydroforming process is very repeatable.

整个构建流程应该是可重复的和可跟踪的。The entire build process should be repeatable and traceable.

功能应该与一组可重复的业务任务匹配。The function should match a set of repeatable business tasks.

服务是业务任务的可重复逻辑表现形式。A service is a repeatable logical manifestation of a business task.

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我在RPM中建立的基于角色的安全选择权将可以被重复。The role-based security choices I make in RPM will also be repeatable.

在表现的之前,之中及之后,立刻反覆性和可考查!Immediately repeatable and examinable before, during and after the performance!

舵机可以在更高的速度与可重复的结果一次又一次。The servos allows for higher speeds with repeatable results time and time again.

如果有必要进行任何重构,可重复的测试为我们增加了信心。Our repeatable tests give us confidence should any re-factoring become necessary.

这导致了不可预测性,且过程是不可重复和被动的。This leads to poor predictability, and the process is not repeatable and reactive.

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我们运行了这个测试几个小时以确保它是可重复的和可预见的。We ran this test for several hours to make sure it was repeatable and predictable.

业务流程有起点和终点,而且它们都是可重复的。Business processes have starting points and ending points, and they are repeatable.

为了获取可复验的结果,每种测试设置在客户端上都有一系列运行。To get repeatable results, there were series of runs for each test setup on a client.

我们对我们透明、有纪律和可重复的投资过程深感自豪。We pride ourselves on our transparent, disciplined and repeatable investment process.

业务流程管理系统常用于不太成熟的流程,使其变得可重复及可靠起来。BPMS is usually used for lesser mature processes to make them repeatable and reliable.

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但是他们倾向于成功实现良好记录且可重复的开发方法。But they tend to succeed in achieving well-documented and repeatable development methods.

因为任务可以是不可重复做的,所以可以给我们很高的经验值奖励。Because quests can be non- repeatable this allows us to give very high experience rewards.

只需单击按钮,这些可重复的部署就可以轻松地迁移到私有云中。These repeatable deployments are easily moved to a private cloud with the click of a button.