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定义和目标。Define and Target.

定义接触点。Define a touchpoint.

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定义磁盘驱动器。Define the disk drives.

张尕说道,“我们该怎样定义生命?How do you define life?

可用性该如何定义?How to define usability?

你怎样给“真”下定义?How do you define "real"?

你如何来定义「美」这个字?How do you define beauty?

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你如何定义自己的需求?How do you define your need?

你如何定义社会?How do you define “society”?

你如何定义“自我形象“?How you define "self-image"?

此词难下定义。This word is hard to define.

定义角色和工作流。Define personae and workflows.

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定义您计划构建的内容。Define what you plan to build.

给爱情下定义是很难。It is difficult to define love.

国际公认会计原则对其做出了定义The GAAP standards define this.

这个规则将定义一个过滤器。This rule will define a filter.

你怎么样来定义一个函数?So how do you define a function?

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你能给define一词下定义吗?Can you define the word “define”?

定义相等关系。Define the equality relationship.

成功者自己定义成功。Winners define their own success.