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他一脸虔诚地望着我。He looked at me earnestly.

我恳切地请求你原谅。I earnestly pray for your pardon.

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为每一个学生恳切地提名祷告。Pray earnestly for each student by name.

我苦口婆心,再三劝说。I described, and enforced them earnestly.

我确实将会这样去做的,”孩子恳切地说道。Indeed I will, ' said the boy, earnestly.

请认真遵照执行。Please earnestly comply and put into practice.

他恳切地向朋友请求支持。He earnestly appealed to his friends for support.

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只有小燕子还在那里认认真真地听。Only the swallow stayed there to listen earnestly.

他英俊羊眼瞪大了眼睛认真起来。His handsome sheep's eyes stared earnestly up at him.

夸父也就一口气把河里的水全喝光了。He swooped upon them earnestly and drank the whole river.

深望玉成此事。It is earnestly hoped that you will accomplish the matter.

认真实施行政复议制度。Administrative reconsideration system is earnestly implemented.

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在此,并对专案小组的努力表达诚挚的谢意。I earnestly thank the project team with their best effort done.

塞北的雪,急切切地来,飘飘洒洒,莹洁璀璨。Saibei snow, earnestly anxious to come, Durian, Yingjie bright.

认真贯彻党的路线和基本方针。Implement the Party's line and basic guiding policies earnestly.

他诚恳地跟我交谈,尽管我一个字儿也听不懂。He was talking to me earnestly though I didn't understand a word.

男孩问道,他那棕褐色的大眼睛朝上热切地看着他们。" the boy asks, his wide brown eyes looking up at them earnestly.

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我们一定要坚定不移贯彻落实、认真实践。Then we must implement and practice it earnestly and unshakablely.

莪诚实地渴望将来能过着康健而顺遂的一生。I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future.

安妮情真意切地希望他不要太挑剔,太认真了。Most earnestly did she wish he might not be too nice or too observant.