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他有一个木材厂。He had a lumber mill.

你当伐木工人能熬得住吗?。Can you hack it as a lumber jack?

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他们用旧木料匆匆搭起了一个棚屋。They used old lumber to throw up a hut.

他不愿有家室拖累。He refused to lumber himself with a family.

有时伐树则是为了牟取木材利润。Sometimes trees are cut for lumber profits.

但我可以从伐木场弄到本地木材。Whereas I can get local lumber from a sawmill.

开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。Iron mined in order to topple trees for lumber.

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策略模式定风丹价格由50木调整为350木。StablePill's lumber cost changed from 50 to 350.

如果是一个木材场,吸入锯开的木头的味道。If it's a lumber yard, take in the smell of sawn wood.

实木平板地板以桦木、木、木、木等材种为原材料。Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors.

华盛顿州每年的木材生产都居全国首位。Washington annually leads the nation in lumber production.

要料太长了,有一部分都伸到甲板外面去了。The lumber is so long that part of it sticks out of the desk.

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策略模式疑兵计价格由100木调整为175木。Deceptive forces stratagem's lumber cost changed from 100 to 175.

有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills.

要料太长了,有一部分都伸到甲板外面去了。eg. The lumber is so long that part of it sticks out of the desk.

给你我的新照片,我正在搬木头,准备给它们锯成木材。My new picture for you. I was moving logs and will cut into lumber.

“他在节省体力。”加林眼睛一亮。"He is in the thrifty physical strength. "Add eyes lumber a bright.

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大一点的火车运木材去大一点的城镇。There engines more big do take the cars of lumber to towns more big.

在很多地方,甚至连水和木材都要靠运。For much of the route, even water had to be shipped, along with lumber.

我感觉有榫舌和凹槽的木材才是环保的。I suppose the environmental way would be to use tongue-in-groove lumber.