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1956年,水俣湾附近发现了一种奇怪的病。In 1956, Minamata Bay was found near a strange disease.

水污染问题中最著名的是日本的水俣病。Water pollution is the most famous in Japan's Minamata disease.

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与此同时,工厂把没有经过任何处理的废水排放到水俣湾中。At the same time, without any treatment plant the wastewater discharged into Minamata Bay.

有趣的是,这篇文章的旁边刚好是一篇讨论汞含量会议的新闻。Interesting to see this article appearing right next to the Minamata mercury accord meeting.

胜俣同时透露,东电社长清水也有意引咎辞职。Sheng Minamata also revealed that Tokyo Electric Power president also intends to resign water.

作为一部杰出的纪录片,这部作品第一次向世人宣告了水俣病的存在。As a remarkable documentary, this film announced for the first time the existence of Minamata disease.

胜俣还说,东电将更换运营层,继续事故处理,赔偿受害民众。Sheng Minamata said Tokyo Electric Power will replace operating level, continue to deal with the accident, compensation for affected people.

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3月30日,东电公司会长胜俣恒久出席记者招待会,这也是大地震后的首次露面。March 30, East Power Company Minamata permanent president to attend a press conference wins, which is the first appearance after the earthquake.

东电处理核灾难手法劣评如潮,社长清水正孝和董事长胜俣恒久有意辞职。Way to deal with nuclear disasters East power barrage of criticisms, Masataka Shimizu president and chairman of Minamata wins permanent intention to resign.

这种“怪病”就是轰动世界的“水俣病”,是最早出现的由于工业废水排放污染造成的公害病。This "strange disease" is a sensation in the world of "Minamata disease", is the earliest because of industrial pollution caused by wastewater pollution of disease.

日本银行还表示,东京电力公司董事长胜俣恒久本人提出了辞职,已于4日结束日银参事的任职。Bank of Japan also said Tokyo Electric Power Company, chairman of Minamata lasting victory made my resignation, was 4 at the end of the Bank of Japan counselor's office.