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我走出检票口。I go out the ticket wicket.

他把球打进了自己的三柱门。He played the ball onto his wicket.

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柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。At wicket gate a dog is heard to bark.

他向三柱门投掷一球,但未命中。He had a shy at the wicket but missed.

她跑去把窗头上的小窗打开。She ran to her little wicket and opened it.

在门柱那儿投球,就是三门柱。bowling at three stumps which is the wicket.

他们滑行通过大门口的边门。They slid through the wicket in the big gate.

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防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的三柱门周围。The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.

他并未用力击球,却歪打正着击中了三柱门。He didn't hit out, but hit the wicket by a fluke.

我们知道,Wicket是一个基于组件的框架。As we know, Wicket is a component-based framework.

小门通向一道上行的石梯。The wicket opened on a stone staircase, leading upward.

击球手走向三柱门时响起一阵掌声。There was applause as the batsman walked out to the wicket.

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最后一名球员小心地守着他的三柱门,直到比赛结束。Defending his wicket watchfully, the last man is playing out time.

我讨厌我的工作,但又不能辞职,因为我需要钱。对我来说真是一个艰难的境况。I hate my job but can't quit, as I need the money. I 'm on a sticky wicket.

另一个例子是,Wicket的资源包解决方案是分层定义的。Another example. Wicket resource bundle resolution is hierarchically defined.

一个难球传来,击球队员把它打到自己的三柱门而后出局。A difficult ball came through,the batsman played on to his wicket and was out.

每个Wicket应用的源代码中都会发现匿名的内部类。In every Wicket application source code you will find anonymous inner classes.

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不久前那两个人走出来的那道便门,就在那栋建筑的高墙下。The wicket from which the pair had lately emerged was in the wall of this structure.

他又放下两碟装着炸马铃薯的添菜,然后关上通向厨房那扇便门。He set down two side dishes of fried potatoes and closed the wicket into the kitchen.

我和我的搭档一起创下了最末击球手的校得分纪录。Together with my partner, we established a new school record for a last- wicket stand.