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也可以用双筒望远镜和罗盘。Try binoculars and compasses, too.

他把双筒远镜的焦点对准在那只鸟上。He focused his binoculars on the bird.

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那商店出售高倍数远镜。The shop sells high-powered binoculars.

我通过双筒望远镜看赛马。I watched the horse-race through my binoculars.

他坚持只付50英镑买我的望远镜。He stood to his pay of 50 pounds for my binoculars.

她总是用望远镜观察过路人。She always watches the passers-by with a pair of binoculars.

在此距离之内,一个像太阳这样的恒星可以通过大型望远镜观测到。At that distance, a sunlike star is visible through binoculars.

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跟小双筒望远镜的话,你将看得更美妙啦。Bring your opera glasses or small binoculars for a better view.

你可以在较暗的地区用双筒望远镜看到这两个星云。These nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location.

她于是走到书柜前,取出了一副望远镜。She reached to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars.

临街的门楼上,至今弹痕犹在。The gatehouse on the street, so far still ringing in binoculars.

用望远镜细查,这整个区域是一个令人惊奇的地方。This entire region is a marvelous place to scan with binoculars.

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咱们不消千里镜就可以很清楚地看见球员。We could see the players so clearly without using the binoculars.

她于是走到书柜前,取出了一副望远镜。”She reached to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars.

基本指导如何选择最好的观鸟望远镜。Basic guidance on how to choose the best bird-watching binoculars.

1894年蔡司公司开始大量生产棱镜双目望远镜。The mass production of prism binoculars by Zeiss then began in 1894.

每间房间均附有双筒望远镜,提供旅客观星、赏景用途。Each room is provided with binoculars for star-gazing and site-viewing.

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我手持一副望远镜远眺火山。如今,维苏威火山依然耸立在那里。The volcano is still there. I looked at it through a pair of binoculars.

仅在我的双筒望远镜视野之内,就有大概60,000只沙丘鹤。There were maybe 60,000 sandhills just within the sweep of my binoculars.

仅在我的双筒望远镜视野之内,就有大概60,000只沙丘鹤。There were maybe 60, 000 sandhills just within the sweep of my binoculars.