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河神逐渐有些开窍了。River God was enlightened somewhat.

觉者只指引我们方向。Enlightened Ones will only show the way.

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我们都老得太快,却聪明得太迟。We aged fast, but been enlightened slow.

关于开明绅士问题。On the question of the enlightened gentry.

在那一刻,弟子开悟了。At that moment the disciple was Enlightened.

所有这些精明的人都说,别担心。Don’t worry, all the enlightened people said.

等你看到了新的解放了的宇宙。And when thou seest the new enlightened sphere.

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她将我领进了这个领域,给我启迪。She brought me to the field and enlightened me.

只要你是在为一个开明的顾主工作。As long as you work for an enlightened employer.

他被称为佛是因为他已得道开悟。He was called Buddha because he was enlightened.

火焰,是真光点燃了火焰!The Fire, the true light has enlightened the fire!

这条路径的另一个术语叫文明的自私。Another term for this path is enlightened selfishness.

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在我看来,麦奇是个很有见识的家伙。As far as I can tell, Munchie is an enlightened being.

对自身利益的明智考虑也是一种激励因素。Enlightened self-interest is also a motivating factor.

公共利益"是非常明显的启蒙思想The common good comes right out of enlightened thought.

老师的一席话使我顿开茅塞。The teacher's words made me at once become enlightened.

但对于少数开明的老板来说,则收益颇多。But for the enlightened few, the benefits are bountiful.

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当佛祖觉悟成道时,那是二千六百多年前的事。Then when Buddha became enlightened it was 2600 years ago.

据我所知,这些课程里没有一个人开悟了。As far as I know, nobody got enlightened in these retreats.

在我教导这男孩之前,他认为地球是平的!The boy thought the world was flat until I enlightened him!