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洗牙对牙齿有伤害吗?Bad, have tatty harm to the tooth!

你穿着这些衣服看上去有点寒碜。You look a bit tatty in these clothes.

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或者用细砂纸打磨,在家具上留下磨损的痕迹。Perhaps use burnish of fine sand paper, tatty mark leaves on furniture.

使用破旧的、脏的或者有刮擦声的洗车毛巾、海棉、干毛巾等。Using tatty , worn , dirty , or scratchy wash mitts , sponges , drying towels etc.

塑料片和硬纸片拍打着破旧的砖屋的玻璃碎了的窗户。Pieces of plastic and cardboard flap across the glass-free windows of tatty brick houses.

这些贝壳的中心都有一个小孔,上面有明显的佩戴和穿线磨损的痕迹。These have an alveolus in the center of conch, have above adorn apparently and wear line tatty trace.

他们给我们的是一间年久失修有残缺的双人间,又脏又暗,没有浴室,水盆太浅。Were given disabled double room in unrenovated part of hotel, very tatty and dark, no bath, low basin.

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是材料表面反抗磨损的能力。它与材料的硬度、强度等有关。It is ability of tatty of material surface resistance. The hardness of it and material, intensity about.

他像机关枪似的大叫了一阵子,忽然发现一片难看的黄叶落在他塔楼下的青苔上,于是立刻飞下去,把叶子清理掉。For a while, he makes his machine-gun-like call. Then a tatty yellow leaf falls onto his tower's mossy lawn.

但是如果中国继续从日本的经历中吸取错误的教训,那么有朝一日中国的经济也会破败不堪。But if it continues to draw the wrong lesson from the tale of Japan, then one day its economy may look just as tatty.

在一个小型更衣室,崔健穿着一件不算整洁的短袖体恤,他的山羊胡尤为惹眼,与我一起回归他的职业生涯。In a small changing room, Cui Jian, dressed in shorts and a tatty T-shirt and sporting a goatee beard, reviewed his long career.

下载一个肮脏的纹理再现一个简陋的旧纸的效果,并填写颜色调色板背景,从您选择的样本。Download a grungy texture to recreate a tatty old paper effect and fill the background with a swatch from your chosen colour palette.

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这位流浪汉在迈阿密市区乞讨,满脸白色胡茬,身着污渍斑斑的T恤衫和深色裤子,举着牌子时面露微笑。Recorded in downtown Miami, the beggar with grey stubble and dressed in a tatty t-shirt and dark trousers, grins as he holds the board.

商店和公寓楼同样陈旧,一个遛狗的女人向一伙小流氓投掷石子,他们在恐吓她的小狗。Among the equally tatty shops and apartment blocks, a woman dog-walker was hurling stones at a gang of strays that were menacing her pet.

他像机关枪似的大叫了一阵子,忽然发现一片难看的黄叶落在他塔楼下的青苔上,于是立刻飞下去,把叶子清理掉。For a while, he makes his machine-gun-like call. Then a tatty yellow leaf falls onto his tower's mossy lawn. Donald flies down at once to remove it.

本文用自旋捕捉技术与ESR方法研究了五种硝基芴酮与五种不同的伯、仲、叔脂肪胺的光化夺氢反应中的活泼自由基。The active radicals produced in the photochemical hydrogen-abstraction reaction between five Tatty amines and five nitrofluorenones have been studied by means of spin trapping -ESR technique.

本研究的目的就是以大宗动植物油为原料,模仿天然人乳中的脂肪酸组成和甘三酯结构,研制人乳脂替代品,其产品将作为婴儿奶粉的脂肪配料。The objective of this study is to produce human milk fat substitutes, which mimic tatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions found in human breast milk, as fat ingredients of infant formula.