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他请求部长给他以支持。He solicited aid from the minister.

塞格里亚通过招标来完成这项工作。Ceglia solicited bids to do the work.

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一个投标被请求,一个投标被接受。One bid was solicited and one bid received.

我们征求并聆听了你们的意见。We have solicited your views and listened carefully.

如果建议对需求进行更改,则应请求用户提供反馈意见。If a requirement change is suggested, user feedback should be solicited.

政府还装摸作样的就此次调整征询公众的意见。The government has ostentatiously solicited public opinion about the change.

由于没有了罗马部队的卫戍,不列颠人被迫向来自于欧洲大陆的日耳曼雇佣兵团求助。Lacking Roman defenders, Britons solicited Germanic troops from the continent as mercenaries.

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对捐赠人进行公开表彰,应当事先征求捐赠人的意见。Before undertaking public commendation of donors, the donor's opinion must first be solicited.

e和谐"在网站、教堂以及婚庆展览的登记表上征集到他们。EHarmony had solicited them on its site, in churches, and from registration lists at bridal shows.

这样的消息其本身并不总是具有商业性,而对于有些消息,很难说是我们所需要的。Such messages are not always commercial per se, and some push the limits of what it means to be solicited.

此外,英语俱乐部成功获得嘉禾影院的赞助。Furthermore for this year, the English Club successfully solicited sponsorship from the Golden Harvest Cinema.

同时我们在国内每年都要捐赠贫困小学生及其他慈善事业。Meanwhile benefaction will be solicited for needy pupils and other charitable purposes every year domestically.

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SEC并未指控现年59岁的布伦斯坦有意劝说上述年长者投资一宗欺诈交易。The SEC doesn't allege that the 59-year-old Mr. Bluestein knowingly solicited older investors to invest in a fraud.

她征求了数以百计的立法者和商界翘楚一起来创立一个特殊的日子来纪念母亲。She solicited the help of hundreds of legislators and prominent businessmen to create a special day to honor mothers.

本公司的电子产品,采用最新设备和工艺,欢迎惠顾。The electronic products of our company are made with the latest equipment and technology. Your patronage is solicited.

在电视剧中,狄仁杰会习惯性地征求元芳的意见,这一反复出现的场景让每一位观众记忆深刻。In the TV show, Di Renjie would habitually solicited the views of Yuan Fang, a recurring scene let every audience memory.

卡罗来纳当地的贸易商、承运商和政府官员一再恳求贸易委员会予以保护。Local traders, shippers, and government officials in the Carolinas repeatedly solicited the Board of Trade for protection.

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Taubman说,他们正在恳求富国和慈善组织为这个新的旅行基金注入资金。Taubman says contributions to the new travel fund are being solicited from wealthy nations and philanthropic organisations.

在此,偶释放所有这些政党和损害赔偿责任或民盟,对他哒要跪求或提供此类信息哒帐户。I hereby release all such parties and RCD from liability or damages on account of having solicited or furnished such information.

我们拒绝一切不高举基督的代死与工作及在基督里的信心的福音内容。We deny that the gospel is preached if Christ's substitutionary work is not declared and faith in Christ and his work is not solicited.