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王勇阿公旅游脚印遍及全球。Yong Kenyan tourism footprint spans the globe.

他回答,“大约48万肯尼亚先令。”"About 480, 000 Kenyan shillings, " he answered.

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Meles先生在肯尼亚召开的商讨此次危机的峰会上发表讲话。Mr Meles was speaking at a Kenyan summit on the crisis.

肯尼亚热带草原上,一头成年雄狮正在草丛里休息。A mature male lion rests in the grasses of the Kenyan savanna.

他在接受一次电话采访时传达了肯尼亚在这个问题上的承诺。He described the promise of the Kenyan fields in a phone interview.

肯尼亚政府一直犹豫着是否将非法占用的土地合法化。The Kenyan government is hesitant to legitimize illegally squatted land.

肯尼亚政府。还有坦桑尼亚首相的停职。The Kenyan government. The suspension of the prime minister of Tanzania.

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他们还学习了传统的肯尼亚乐器,舞蹈和歌曲。They also learned about traditional Kenyan instruments, dances and songs.

噢,不不不不不!!看上去就像我们在所有的肯尼亚的投资领域都处于下风!Oh noes! Looks like we're going to lose out on all that Kenyan investment!

手机号码则是他在北肯尼亚难民营的一个网吧里上网冲浪时获得。He got the numbers by surfing at an internet café at the north Kenyan camp.

旺加里·马塔伊是一位肯尼亚环境保护主义者与诺贝尔和平奖得主。Wangari Maathai is a Kenyan environmentalist and a Nobel Peace Prize winner

肯亚总理奥廷加星期一抵达了象牙海岸的主要城市阿比让。Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrived in the main city of Abidjan Monday.

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大约30个肯尼亚女人站在周围,她们又好奇又腼腆。The thirty or so Kenyan women standing around are curious, and openly gawking.

拉加特基金会每年都要出钱,给肯尼亚的孩子交学费。Every year, his foundation pays school fees for less fortunate Kenyan children.

他们还计划把下一家小木屋烤肉店开到肯尼亚。They are also planning on entering the Kenyan market with their next Cabin BBQ.

ngau认为高速公路将增加商业机会,并帮助发展肯尼亚的经济。Ngau says the highway will increase business and help expand the Kenyan economy.

这艘船上的船员得到自由,已经将船停靠在肯尼亚港口蒙巴萨。The ship, with its freed crewmembers, has arrived in the Kenyan port of Mombassa.

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他说,这艘船上有21名船员,当时正在驶往肯尼亚的蒙巴萨。He says the ship has 21 crew members and was bound for the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

坦桑尼亚警方逮捕了一名试图兜售白化病男子的肯尼亚人。Police in Tanzania have arrested a Kenyan who was attempting to sell an albino man.

Wafula正在帮助一个直接反对'肯尼亚部长们游说的请愿书。Wafula is helping direct a petition against the Kenyan ministers' lobbying efforts.