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我的朋友们可以为我作保。My friends will vouch for me.

由专家确认该画是否为真迹。Experts vouch for the painting's authenticity.

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我敢打保票,我的消息很可靠。I can vouch for the accuracy of my information.

因此,这个学习的过程才是认证所要保证的。It is that learning that a certification should vouch for.

我可以证明SOS的投入和对孩子们的关爱。I can vouch for their commitment and care for the children.

那些皆是真的吗?我们没有敢包管。我们能够永暂出法肯定。Is all that accurate? We can't vouch. We may never know for sure.

我已仔细看过这份报告,我可以保证它的真实性。I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its truthfulness.

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实际上露茜丽关于要慢慢地吃的观点是对的,不过我不敢担保谎报年龄也是。Actually Lucille is right about the eating slowly but I can't vouch for the lying of one's age.

算是有吧!我准备了一些推荐人的名单,他们可以为我的经验和职业道德作证明。Sort of. I prepared a list of all the people who can vouch for my experience and good work ethic.

详见下列书单,阅读难度渐次增加,我保证这些书也适于大声阅读。So here they are, in ascending order of difficulty, and I can vouch that these are also great to read aloud.

但是我可以担保王德福肯定会准时支付员工,福利也不会有什么问题。I can personally vouch that WDF has always paid us on time and in full. Bonus money was not a problem either.

院校将监督学生在完成学业后升入更高级别的课程。The sponsor will have to vouch for academic progression where students are not moving up to the next NQF level.

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当你在市场中推销自己的时候,你需要担保你的人,关系网络越广阔,越好。When you sell yourself in the market, you need people who can vouch for you and the broader the network, the better.

“我已经认识哈里很长时间了,我担保他会为他的国家做任何事情,”他说。"I've known Harry for a long time, and I'll vouch for the fact that he would do anything for his country, " he said.

我错过了拉德克里夫先生在伦敦的演出,所以我无法评价他的舞台表现,对赫尔姆斯女士也是如此。I missed seeing Mr. Radcliffe in London, so I can’t personally vouch for his stage chops, nor for those of Ms. Holmes.

难怪安东尼的聪明绝顶的将士们数年后都证实埃及艳后的军事天赋。It was not surprising that the most astute of Antony’s generals should several years later vouch for her military genius.

我们都希望,当人们死去时,能被家人或朋友簇拥并证明死者身份。We’d all like to hope that when people die, it’s going to be among family or friends who can vouch for the deceased’s identity.

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实现此目的的方法有许多种,其中最常用的是对公开密匙使用一个或多个可靠的第三方证明。Among the various ways of doing this, the most widely used is to have one or more trusted third parties vouch for the public key.

印章刻有地位和官职,用于文件和书信,以为凭信。Besides, stamps for sealing documents and letters were inscribed with social positions and official ranks to vouch for the veracity of orders.

不过,如果是一些想成为圣战者的巴基斯坦后裔,就像沙赫扎德那样的,并能有一个亲属或者朋友为他们作担保的话,那么其被吸纳入营的几率就会大大提高。However, wannabe jihadists of Pakistani descent, like Shahzad, can improve their odds of enrolling by having a relative or friend vouch for them.