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又一个夜晚,又一次超度。Another night, another demise.

图特卡蒙法老神秘死因揭晓了?Mystery of King Tut's demise solved?

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为了治愈魂灵的死亡而一往无前。Stepping forth the cure For soul's demise.

他故世后,房子便传给了儿子。Upon his demise his house passed to his son.

渴望毁灭的新政权将要出现。New allegiance will rise, thirsting for demise.

当你拿走属于我的东西时,你封印了你的死亡。You sealed your demise when you took what was mine.

这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire.

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至此,滦宁县自然消亡。At this point, the natural demise of Luanping County.

在男人即将死去的那个夜晚,死神来到了他的屋子。Death arrived at his house on the night of his demise.

不论怎样,他的死终结了一个邪恶统治时代。Either way, his demise spells the end of a vile reign.

在她的死亡后不久,他被抓获并被处死。He was captured and executed shortly after her demise.

为了真实、尊荣和洁净灵魂的灭亡。To true, the soul of honor and the demise of cleanliness.

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本森辞世的消息迅速在她的追求者中传开。Word of Benson's demise spread quickly among her pursuers.

别误会我的意思,对于印刷品的消亡我也很难过。Don’t get me wrong, I’m sad about the demise of print, too.

只是在苏联解体之后,关系缓和才成为可能。Détente only became possible after the Soviet Union's demise.

美国经济经常挑战那些预测它会崩溃的预言。THE American economy has often defied predictions of its demise.

事实上,他预测美联储将会在今后十年内寿终正寝。Indeed, he predicts the Fed’s demise sometime in the next ten years.

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可怜的猪仔啊,它们看起来那么友善,不知死之将至。Poor piggies . So friendly and yet unaware of their imminent demise.

正是这次报复事件为卡扎菲埋下了灭亡的种子。It was that attack that finally sowed the seeds for Gaddafi's demise.

抗议,撤回再往前走,伯纳德·费林的死亡。Objection! Withdrawn. Moving forward a bit, Bernard Ferrion's demise.