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Schreibman把这种方法称作都市水产养殖。Schreibman calls this method urban aquaculture.

淡水农业和海水养殖的“蓝色革命”正在以指数方式增长。The 'blue revolution' of freshwater aquaculture

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当地社区发展计划水产养殖。Aquaculture for local community development programme.

这将对水产业造成一定影响。To an extent, this will have an impact on aquaculture.

按照传统做法,水产养殖是基于权利的。An old practice, aquaculture is a rights-based approach to fishing.

另一个障碍是用于水产养殖的土地和淡水资源不足。Another is a shortage of land and freshwater for use in aquaculture.

病害暴发严重制约了水产养殖业的发展。Disease outbreaks are a serious constraint to aquaculture development.

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减少水产养殖业对环境的影响是一项重要的任务。Reducing the environmental impacts of aquaculture is a significant task.

附近可以建水产养殖中心,喂养鱼、虾和软体动物等。An adjacent aquaculture center could also raise fish, shrimp and mollusks.

世界罗非鱼生产以捕捞和养殖两种方式进行。Tilapias are supplied by two normal ways, that is capture and aquaculture.

水产养殖,甲壳类生物学,养殖池水质。Aquaculture, Biology of the Crustacean, Water Quality of Aquaculture Ponds.

对虾养殖业是东南亚地区的重要经济支柱产业。Prawn aquaculture is the industry of important economy pillar of Asia area.

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水产业在提供了全球一半吃鱼者的需求。The aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide.

米兰多说,水产养殖业的快速增长是与人口的增长。Mirando says the rapid growth of aquaculture is linked to population growth.

有机水产养殖的管理应能保持水生生态系统的健康。Organic aquaculture management shall maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems.

目前饲料工业和养殖业的着重点是抑霉。At present, aquaculture feed industry and the focus is mycophenolate suppression.

参观盛达海水养殖产品展览馆,送站,结束愉快的行程!After those visit Shengda aquaculture products museum. Then finish the happy tour.

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目前水产业供应差不多全世界一半的食用鱼。The agriculture aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide.

西方媒体有时会报道中国肮脏、水藻遍布的水产养殖区。Western media sometimes report on the filthy, algae-filled ponds of Chinese aquaculture.

是江苏省水产养殖十强县,江苏最大的螃蟹养殖基地。Jiangsu Province is the top ten aquaculture County, Jiangsu's largest crab breeding base.