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请允许我公开表达我的谢意-的确。Let me say publicly. -Yes. Yes.

那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。So let the council swear publicly.

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萨尔蒙德在公众面前仍然保持着一派乐观。Salmond remains publicly optimistic.

应该公开地叫他丢丢脸。He deserves to be publicly disgraced.

你怎么想方设法要我当众出丑的?How you tried to publicly humiliate me?

我们可以公开宣称我们爱主基督。We publicly identify our love for Christ.

口令几乎是公开传达的。Watchwords were exchanged almost publicly.

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他们公开证实它的存在。They are publicly confirming its existence.

他在大家眼中成了一个猥亵儿童犯。He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.

萧余二人过去曾在公共场合发生过争执。The two also quarreled publicly in the past.

后来他为他的说法公开道歉。He later apologized publicly for his remarks.

其精神所在亦于公众。It is publicly directed. It is public spirited.

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维罗尼卡必须要公开向我道歉。Veronica will have to apologise to me publicly.

伊克拉姆-戈德曼女士一直没在公共媒体前谈起过她所起的作用。Ms. Goldman has not spoken publicly about her role.

不过我已经公开向英国黑鲈道歉了。But I publicly apologise to the sea bass of Britain.

奥威尔曾公开赞扬沃夫的道德勇气。Orwell praised Waugh publicly for his moral courage.

对朋友要私下责备,公开赞扬。Reprove your friend privately, commend him publicly.

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这些参与者中大约86人昄依我大基督。About 86 of those attendees publicly accepted Christ.

古德补充道,路线图也应该是公开的。Coté adds that roadmaps should be publicly available.

现在一些德国人希望看到保罗被放在烤架上公开烧烤。Some Germans now want to see Paul publicly barbecued.