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近节趾骨截骨是手术成功的关键。The osteotomy of the first phalanx is key for successful operation.

矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

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结合截骨矫正,可更精确地达到手术所需效果。The result will be more precise if the surgery is combined with osteotomy.

准确的截骨量和术后早期锻炼是手术成功的关键。Precise osteotomy and early postoperative exercises are the key to success.

本文报告30只兔胫骨上干骺端截骨延长的实验结果。The tibia was lengthened with proximal metaphyseal osteotomy in 30 rabbits.

目的探讨治疗颧骨复合体肥大的新型外科整复术。Objective To present a new method of osteotomy for malar complex hypertrophy.

图1-34用于距骨剥脱性骨软骨炎的内踝截骨术。Fig. 1-34 Osteotomy of medial malleolus for osteochondritis dissecans of talus.

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采用30度楔形截骨建立转子下有间隙骨折模型。A 30-degree wedge osteotomy was used to create a subtrochanteric fracture gap model.

目的探讨胫骨高位楔形截骨术后张力带钢丝内固定效果。Objective To investigate the effect of high tibial osteotomy and tension band wiring.

截骨术是一个程序是骨头被切断和调整,重新分配重量。An osteotomy is a procedure is where the bones are cut and realigned to redistribute weight.

目的探索一种简便,安全,有效的下颌角肥大截骨术。Objective To search a simple, safe and effective osteotomy for hypertrophied mandibular angle.

目的探讨眶上锁孔入路中去除眶顶的应用价值。Objective To investigate the value of orbital roof osteotomy via supraorbital keyhole approach.

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结论综合的下颌截骨方法可使方形脸术后下颌整体效果协调美观。Conclusion Integrated mandible osteotomy can make the square face look natural and nice-looking.

目的探讨梯形截骨法与截骨导向器的研制以及在临床应用的效果。Objective To explore devising and clinical effect of ladder-shaped osteotomy and guide apparatus.

根据马蹄内翻足畸形程度、性质和患者年龄,确定实施有限矫形手术的方法和外固定矫形器治疗。The limited release of soft tissue were performed in 7 patients, limited osteotomy in 25 patients.

此手术适合矢状面上退变性不稳的患者。This osteotomy is beneficial for patients who have a degenerative imbalance in the sagittal plane.

较传统的粗隆区内翻截骨加髋上石膏外固定术有明显优越性。It is superior than traditional intertrochanteric varus osteotomy plus spica plaster fixator of hip.

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目的探讨胫骨上端截骨延长术的并发症及其防治。Objective To explore the prevention and treatment of the complications in proximal tibial osteotomy.

目的探讨小切口截骨术矫正外翻的治疗效果。Objective To investigate the effect of Correction of hallux varus by osteotomy through mini-incision.

当腓骨截骨处愈合后,应拔除螺丝钉,以防出现松动或断钉。After the osteotomy or fracture has healed, remove the screw to prevent its becoming loose or breaking.