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可锻铸铁。Malleable cast iron.

大脑是可塑的。The brain is malleable.

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钳身可锻铸铁制造。Body made of malleable cast iron.

链条导轨是可锻铸铁。The chain guide is malleable iron.

线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。The body and wedge are malleable iron.

相反,人类是具有无限可塑性的。Rather, people are infinitely malleable.

它具有延展性,并且设计为可以变化的。It is malleable and designed to be changed.

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银是延展性最好的金属。Silver is the most malleable of all metals.

你准备好迎接一个可塑的塑料世界了吗?Are you ready for a malleable plastic future?

人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.

从本质上,黄金是可塑的,因此它很容易成型。By nature, gold is malleable hence it is easily molded.

这是可塑性,有一个白色,有光泽的外观。It is malleable and has a white and lustrous appearance.

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我们对于身体具可塑性感到安心。We’re much more comfortable with our bodies as malleable.

每当我们回忆起一段长期记忆,它都是具有可塑性的。Every time we recall a long-term memory, it becomes malleable.

金属具有流动性、塑性、弹性、延展性或韧性。The metal may be fluid, plastic, elastic, ductile or malleable.

链轮是由铸铁制成,链条则是由可锻铸铁制成。Sprocket rim made from cast iron, chain guide is malleable iron.

乙烯基塑料,也称搪胶塑料实际上是一种可塑性强的材料。Vinyl, or roto-cast vinyl is actually a very malleable material.

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镉是一种有光泽的,银白色的,非常柔软的,延展性很好的金属。Cadmium is a lustrous, silver-white, ductile, very malleable metal.

本体材质采用精选的展性铸铁不易破裂变形。Made of selected malleable steel making them virtually unbreakable.

主体材料采用高强度可锻铸铁,热镀锌防锈。The body made of high-intensity malleable iron, hot-dip galvanized.