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他以尼姆罗德之名做了那件事。He did it under the name of Nimrod.

他用尼姆罗德这个名字写作。He writes under the name of Nimrod.

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谜语变奏曲,作品36之9,猎手。Enigma Variations, Op. 36, No. 9, Nimrod.

因此宁录以他的权威凌驾于他的子民之上并统治他们。Thus Nimrod ascribed to himself power and authority over his fellow man and ruled them.

他的父亲去世后,宁录娶了自己的母亲,并成为一个强大的国王。After the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful King.

另一个柏油马路上的好猎人就是“蜘蛛”凯利,一个用更文明一点的方法的人。The other Nimrod of the asphalt was "Spider" Kelley, a sportsman with more refined methods.

这是亵渎的最高水平像国王尼姆罗德谁建造了巴别塔的几天老。This is blasphemy of the highest level like King Nimrod who built the tower of Babel in the days of old.

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宁录最终被敌人杀害,他的尸体被切成块,和被送往他的王国的各部份。Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy, and his body was cut in pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom.

一项有关“猎迷”海上巡逻机的升级计划被取消,相关飞机立即退役。An upgrade program for Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft was canceled, with the aircraft abruptly sent to retirement.

宁录成为一位神人对人民及他的妻子和母亲塞米拉米,她成为强大的古巴比伦女王。Nimrod became a god-man to the people and Semiramis, his wife and mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.

在这幅上周公布的雷达图片上,南极的尼姆罗德冰川像是一条奔流的金属之河。Seen in a radar image released last week, Nimrod Glacier in Antarctica resembles a fast-flowing river of molten metal.

最恶劣的月份2006年9月里,19名军职人员丧生,其中有14人死于英国皇家空军的猎迷反潜机坠毁。In the worst month, in September 2006, 19 military personnel lost their lives, including 14 killed when an RAF Nimrod crashed.

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英国航宇公司于1996年7月得到了“猎迷”2000改进型的合同,合同还包括研制训练和地勤支援系统。BAE now is selected as the prime contractor in July 1996 to supply a complete package of 21 mission-equipped Nimrod 2000 aircraft, together with a training system and initial logistic support.