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每天一万千瓦小时。Ten thousand KWH each day.

对于一个普通家庭,这将是约7000-8000千瓦时左右。For an average home, that will be about 7000-8000 KWH per year.

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每台大泵的功率是185千瓦,每天耗电约8880千瓦时。Each large pump power is 185 kW power consumption of about 8880 kwh per day.

据悉,鸡场里平均一只鸡一年可发7度电。It is reported that a hen could generate 7 kwh of electricity on average each year.

但是一旦电池出现问题或是买车人发现里程有限不够用,那么价格就会直线下降。That would substantially reduce the cost of the 24 kwh battery used by the Nissan Leaf.

一天之内做饭和烘干衣服,我们用掉了32度电和100立方英尺的天然气。We'd used 32 kWh of electricity and 100 cubic feet of gas to cook dinner and dry our clothes.

二者预计,联邦数据中心每年消耗11亿千万时,花费近4.8亿美元。Federal data centers currently consume about 1.1 billion kWh of energy per year, says the study.

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如果一个运动器材,一天被用十个小时,那一年健身中心,就可以省下547千瓦小时。If an exercise machine is being used for 10 hours a day for a year, the gym could save about 547 kWh.

该水电站设计装机容量为3600兆瓦,预计年发电量可达130亿千瓦时。The plant design capacity of 3600 MW, annual generation capacity is expected to reach 13 billion kwh.

介绍一种基于SOC芯片技术的单相导轨式电表的设计方法与应用方案。This paper introduces the design and application of a DIN-rail mounted single phase kWh meter based on SOC technology.

麻省理工学院的一项研究把核电的成本定为每千瓦时6.7美分,与煤电的每千瓦时4.2美分相对应。A study by MIT put the cost of nuclear electricity at 6.7 cents per kWh, against 4.2 cents per kWh for pulverised coal.

变速器为ZF提供的八速自动变速器,电机由一台14.2千瓦时锂电池驱动。Transmission is an eight-speed ZF automatic gearbox while the electric motor is powered by a 14.2 kWh lithium-ion battery.

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境内有张家口沙岭子发电总厂,110千伏变电站2座,35千伏变电站6座,总供电量1.57亿千瓦时。There are sub-Sandy Ridge Zhangjiakou Power Plant, 110 KV Substation 2, 35 kV Substation 6, total capacity 157 million kwh.

经过一个星期的实践,我发现这周只用了94.8千瓦时,而上周却用了109.2千瓦时,我的试验成功了!After a week of practice, I found this week took only 94.8 kwh, which has spent 109.2 kwh last week, my experiment a success!

目前,省府对10千瓦以下屋顶发电系统的电力回购价格已大大降低,新设备的回购电价为每千瓦时38.4分。Today, the payment rate for rooftop project under 10 Kwh has been lowered and pegged at 38.4 cents per Kwh for new installations.

克拉茨诺雅茨克水电站每年发电18,4亿千瓦时并且解决了克拉茨诺雅茨克地区一半的用电需求。Its long-term average annual accounts for 18.4 billion kWh and covers half of the needs of the Krasnoyarsk region in the electric energy.

电站共有4台机组,总装机容量为24万千瓦,多年平均发电量为10.65亿千瓦时。There are 4 power units with a total installed capacity of 24 million kilowatts, annual average generating capacity of 10.65 billion kwh.

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此外,项目每年还可以为湖南省发电6.405亿千瓦时,从而减少停电现象的发生。In addition, almost 640.5 million kwh of power will be produced annually for Hunan Province, which will reduce the incidence of power outages.

在会上,电能有限公司通过一个应用在HEV-PHEV转换中的220V、30Ah、6千瓦小时电池系统展示了其双极晶片电池镍-氢技术。Electro Energy has demonstrated its bipolar wafer-cell Ni-MH technology through a 220V, 30 Ah, 6 kWh battery system used in a HEV-to-PHEV conversion.

年供电量达到5亿多千瓦时,可以满足各类投资企业和建设项目的用电需求。Years to reach more than 500 million kwh electricity supply to meet all kinds of investment enterprises and construction projects demand for electricity.