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加一个双杆吗?A double rod?

请给我一间双人房。Double room,please.

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如果我将速度加倍。I double the speed.

没有双重征税。No double taxation.

我是说男子双打。I mean men's double.

我看东西出现双影。I see things double.

双重性格?A double personality?

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双条喂入。Double sliver in feed.

我偏好双人床.I prefer a double bed.

所以,请把那那杯做成双份。So make mine a double.

这条地毯能卷起来。The rug can double up.

汤姆长着双下巴。Tom has a double chin.

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我有双下巴吗?Do I have double chins?

正电极双层印刷。Finger double printing.

一个带浴室的双人房间。A double room with bath.

我付了双倍的价钱。I paid double the price.

纱支多数为双股。Most of the double yarn.

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我们想要个双人房。We'd like a double room.

内置双层床尺寸。Built-in double bed size.

约翰和汤姆两人合骑一匹马。John and Tom rode double.