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上杆的时候不要停顿。再来。No stop on the backswing. Go again.

你现在已经完成背后拉拍。You have now completed the backswing.

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好。现在做一次空挥。很好。Now let's make one practice backswing. Good.

大多数球员并没有过多考虑自己的小鸟。Most players don't give much thought to their backswing.

强调双臂后摆,保持流畅和协调。Emphasize the backswing with your arms and stay smooth and symmetrical.

但是要想打出高质量的击球,你一定要有好的后摆。But to hit the ball with good quality, you have to have a good backswing.

但是,击出的球有良好的质量,你必须有一个良好的小鸟。But to hit the ball with good quality, you have to have a good backswing.

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所以,我建议在上杆的时候,要增加一些挥杆的宽度。Ok, so I would recommend getting a little bit more width on the backswing.

标准的击球后摆动作应该让球拍指向底线后面的护栏。The standard backswing on this stroke has the racquet pointed at the back fence.

在每个水平层面上,我们指出的最常见的调整意见就是,减少向后引拍的幅度。The most common stroke adjustment we make, at every level of play, is reducing the backswing.

这样,我们能发现,他此刻的姿势要比之前的高了许多,没有之前那么倾斜了。So now we can see, that he is much higher in his backswing position as oppose to being too tilted.

没有右手在球杆上,你隔离了向后挥杆是来自左手推动的力量。Without the right hand on the club, you isolate the pushing motion of the left hand on the backswing.

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很多选手没有多考虑他们的后摆,他们专心于击打母球。Most players don't give much thought to their backswing. Their focus is primarily on hitting the ball.

她的头从一开始基本没有动过,并且她的球拍拉的很开。Her head has barely moved since the first frame, and her racquet is looping down out of her high backswing.

直觉告诉你正在“竖直从上向下挥杆“,即使你仍然在向上挥杆。You will have the distinct feeling of "coming over the top , " even though you still are on your backswing.

就好象后摆是在拉伸什么东西,积聚了势能,而想要释放出来向前飞行。It's as if the backswing is stretching something, building potential energy that wants to release and fly forward.

如果你还能想起基础网球的内容,“L”型位置就是你完成后摆的动作。If you remember from the serve fundamentals section of the website, the "L" position is the completion of your backswing.

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为了更好地展示这一点,侯根让我采取他的站位姿势,并且像他那样上挥杆到顶。To better illustrate all this , Hogan put me in his address position and then in his position at the top of his backswing.

在背后拉拍期间唯一一次网拍可能中止在图6中显示,其他每件事是一个连续不断的动作。The only time during the backswing that the racquet would possibly pause is shown in Fig. 6 everything else is a continual motion.

如果一个运动员拥有很快的爆发性的引拍和击球能力,他将会需要一比较硬的拍杆以便于球拍能够快速恢复到理想的状态后击球。If a player has a short fast explosive backswing and hit, he'd need a stiffer shaft as it will unload faster into the hitting area.