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我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。Our trip takes Midway as a starting point.

有用的信息在中下部。The useful information is about midway down.

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桑德岛,中途岛环礁,太平洋,1998。Sand Island, Midway Atoll, Pacific Ocean, 1998

“海鳗号”在阴沉沉的细雨中离开了中途岛。The moray left midway in a melancholy drizzle.

今晨日本人袭击了中途岛。This morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

今晨,日本人进攻了中途岛。And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

在审判中途迈罗林克成功地逃走了。In adjudgement midway Mailuolinke ran away successfully.

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木栅指南宫旁大雄宝殿山下的索道台车之中途。The midway of funicular at Chi-Nan Temple, Mu-Cha, Taipei.

他每次离开中途岛时,都会陷入长时间阴郁的冥想。Each departure from Midway made him think long dark thoughts.

这就是实验过程中,我们进行的改变。So this was one of the things we changed in the midway through.

工作室就在从他姑姑的老宅到他的小屋的中途。The studio is midway between his aunt's old home and his cottage.

在我写作中途,我的闹铃是我的胆固醇检查结果。Midway into writing my book, my wake-up call was my cholesterol check.

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周末中,布雷特重新把自己的生命托付给主。Midway through the weekend, Brett recommitted his life to Jesus Christ.

你的边栏可以在左也可在右,甚至可以在页面下方的中间位置。Your sidebar can be on the right or left, or even start midway down the page.

夏恩跑到一半左右踩到了一只电鳗,结果那只电鳗发出嘶嘶声,然后咬了他的脚踝。About midway across, Shane stepped on an eel. The eels hissed and bit his ankle.

欧比万发现墙中间的一块石头慢慢探了出来,整面墙开始隆隆作响。Obi-Wan saw one stone midway up the wall ease out a fraction. He heard a rumble.

他们拥有大型的房屋用来存放牲口和用作玩集耍的游艺场地。They had large buildings to house animals and a midway area for games and rides.

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萨哈尔在下半场中段替以色列上阵,但并无对比赛造成影响。Sahar comes on for Israel midway through the second-half but has little influence.

花拉与蒋元一起回家,却在半路中途遇到一名中年男子。Take home with jiang yuan, but midway through the half way meet a middle-aged man.

太阳正当午时,我突然注意到美尔根躁动不安。The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become.