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天主教徒向玛利亚祈祷,并把她看作仲裁者。Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor.

基督在世上的生活中已经开始祂代祷的职事。In His life on earth Christ began His work as Intercessor.

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在上帝的国度,代祷勇士的地位何等重要!Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God!

不义者,将没有任何亲友,也没有奏效的。No intimate friend nor intercessor will the wrong-doers have, who could be listened to.

自1977年,她在「末代使女及仆人布道团」成为全时间同工,以敬拜、代祷及教导神的话语服侍神。She served on staff in the End-Time Handmaidens and Servants International as a worshipper, intercessor and teacher since 1977.

代求者的工作,就是代表另一人辩护和求情,就如律师在法庭上代表当事人申诉一样。An intercessor is one who pleads on behalf of someone else, for example a lawyer who speaks in a law court on behalf of his client.

高曙东一再强调,自己做的并非简单的道歉,更多的是扮演调解矛盾的“和事老”角色。Gao emphasizes that what he does is not just simply apologizing for others, but mostly being like a intercessor to alleviate disputes.

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即使小鹏真的跟卖家出现矛盾,淘宝也可以作为一个“仲裁者”的形象出现。Although small roc follow really sell an occurrence contradiction, clean out treasure to also can serve as " intercessor " figure appears.

反对理性的方法去接近和理解神,就像经院采纳的。本笃鼓吹一种直接的信仰,调解人是圣母玛利亚。In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.

“全球中间人”只是中国能在世界上扮演的角色的一个层面,它指的是中国作为国际和地区争端的调解者。The intermediator of the world is only one of the Chinese roles in the world. It means China is the intercessor of the international and interlocal discord. This role should be extended.

我们信主耶稣基督已升天,现今坐在神的右边,作大祭司,完成祂作代表、中保和保惠师的职事。We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God, Where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor and Advocate.